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Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition to share estate of under age and of age orphans and to authorize Halime Karamousalopoula to represent her children of her late husband Mehmet Hatzidakis and Ahmet Dervisalidakis.-1908-05-29
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of Nazife, to authorize the guardian and father of the child Ahmet Dervisalidakis to receive her share from the residence no. 15 in Mesimvrias Street.-1908-05-08
Ayvasil Kazas, Açıpazaz Kariyesi ahalisindenken vefat eden İbrahim Deli İsmailaki'nin verasetinin varislerine intikal ettiği, faiz ve harcırahlaryla 3878,5 drahmiye ulaşan borçlarının tesviyesi için mülklerinin satılmasına dair karar [19 Kanun-i Sani 1317]-1902-02-01; 1902-01-19
Müteveffa Bakizade Halil Sami Bey'in sağlığında mübayaa ettiği Resmo Kazası, Aya Diriyaza Kariyesi Aya Yanni'deki malların eytamı Rüstem ve Saki'ye intikal ettiği görülmektedir. [8 Kanun-i Sani 1317]-1902-01-02; 1902-01-21
Rethymno Muslim Elders approve the decision of the Family Council of the under age orphan Ahmet of the late Hatzi (Hacı) Ivraim Aigiorgiannakis, to accept the proposition of his guardian Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) Sinanakis.-1907-04-29
Rethymno Muslim Elders decided to approve the decision made by the Family Council under the presidency of the Inspector Giousouf Aligiantzidakis, to appoint Aziz Karalakis at the position of guardian of orphan Moustafa of late Mehmet Karalakis.-1908-07-15
The Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders accepts the proposition made by the council of the relatives of the orphan child Halime, daughter of the late Ivraim Gerakarianakis, to appoint Gisouf Tsintsarapakis guardian of the child.-1903-07-15
ACREVO00048.jpg.jpgBarbaroszade Hüseyin Efendi eytamı nafakası olan 75 kuruşu Resmo Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair vasi Mehmed imzalı senet. [10 Temmuz 1293]-1877-07-22
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno and the Family Council of Rethymno after examining the application of Housein Karamousalakis and guardian of the under age orphans Zeinep and Ali of Ivraim Karamousalakis.-1906-04-27
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno and the Family Council examined the application of Santigie Bekiropoula of Housein that has under age children who have no guardian.-1906-04-30
ACREVO00009.jpg.jpgAppointment of Moustafa Metakis(?) as proxy of Hasan Dadarakis and Fatime Dadaropoula, daughter of Dervis, and wife of Ali Mousadakis, residents of Rethymno, for the receipt of money.-1909-06-23
ACREVO00007.jpg.jpgAknowledgment of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations to the administration of the gendarmerie of Rethymno that Mehmet Haratsidakis is appointed guardian of the orphans of Mehmet Ali Kotronakis or Hatzidakis, Nourgie, Nazife and Elfi.-1923-03-05
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approvement of the decision of the Family Council of orphans of late Housein Neonakis to appoint Housein Pastelakis guardian and to authorize him to sell some of the properties of the children.-1906-06-10
Bill of Merjan, orphan of the late Fatoumes Arapisas. 196.30 Gr kept by Ali Zouralidaki according to the relevant contract signed in presence of Rethimnis Notary Ali Yertegi (?) in 1890.-1900-12-14
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of orphan Mehmet Vehit of the late Antile Veisagadopoula, to authorize guardian and father of the child Ali Mehmetefentakis to sell the child's farm to Euaggelos M. Rousakis.-1908-05-25
Order of payment by director Konstantinos Gerakaris, acting on behalf of the Cretan Treasury for the Public Benefit, against heirs of debtor Hasan Hatzibeiloulakis and the inspectors of Rethymno Orphans' Properties Fahroudin Hotzakis and Mehmet Tzoubedakis.-1901-03-14
Towards the president of the Rethymno Court of First Instance. Council of the Muslim Elders, against Zaide Farsaropoula, widow of Hasan Hamamtzidakis, Housni and Moustafa Hamamtzidakis and against their order of January 13.-1893-01-22
Müteveffa Mustafa Efendi Sekubedezaki'nin yetimi Hüsnü'nün isbat-ı rüşdünün icrası ile mallarının kendisinin idaresine verilmesi hususundaki istidası ve idare edebileceği hususunda alınan karar. [22 Kanun-i Evvel-19 Kanun-i Sani 1317]-1902-01-19; 1902-02-04
Resmo Kazası, Ayandre sakini Hüseyin Karadenizlizaki'nin taht-ı Vesayetindeki Ali Karadenizlizaki'nin eytamının babalarından intikal eden Malların Konstandino Frangaki'ye (Fragaki) satılması için vasilerine mezuniyet verilmesi kararı. [15 Temmuz 1319]-1903-07-15; 1903-07-28
The Kastelli of Mylopotamos Magistrate's Court. Plaintiff: Spiridon Moudatsos, resident of Kalandares village of Mylopotamos; defendants: Antonios Stefanakis and Edem Veis (Bey) Klapsarakis, director of Rethymno Bank for the Orphans.-1900-10-25
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