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At the Efkiaf Administration of Chania, Husein Efenti Goustemakis, President Moskinaki Ismail Efenti and Dagantiskaki Mustafa Bey, members of the Muslim Elders of Chania and Hasan Feizakis, Secretary.-1921-03-07
ACCEVPR00006.jpg.jpgOffers for the leasing of one cultivated and one uncultivated piece of land at Tsikalaria, suburb of Chania .-1922-07-17
ACCEVPR00003.jpg.jpgRenting offers, through auction, for an uncultivated piece of land at Tsikalaria, suburb, Chania.-1922-07-17
ACCEVPR00004.jpg.jpgOffer and temporal award for the rentng of an uncultivated piece of land at Tsikalaria, suburb, Chania.-1922-07-10
Mustafa Boğçalaki imzasıyla meclise takdim kılınan istida ve Halepa'daki icare-i vahideli vakıf akarından evkaf hissesine ait olandan Boğçalaki Hasan'ın hissesine isabet eden miktarın fiyatı olmak üzere Evkaf Sandığına verilmesi gereken miktara dair karar-1921-01-16; 1921-01-17
Offers for the leasing of a wakf estate at Harakia, suburb of Chania.-1922-07-10; 1922-07-17
ACCEVPR00002.jpg.jpgOffers for the sale of a shop located at Kivanadika, number 7, Chania. Sold for 22.000 drahmes by Nikolao T. Hnara, who was the highest bidder at the public auction.-1922-08-14
Eski mezaristan dahilindeki zeytin ağaçlarının 1920 senesi hasılatı Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdüriyeti tarafından müzayedeye çıkarılmasına dair kararname.-1920-11-17; 1920-12-08
ACCEVPR00208.jpg.jpgMusa Paşa Mahallesi'ndeki 21 no.lu bir bab hanenin 15 Nisan-14 Temmuz 1920 dönemine ait 3 aylık kirası olan 120 frangın kiracısı Nikola Kuçuralaki tarafından varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz seneti.-1920-05-08
Proceedings of the public auction held in the building of the Ewkaf of Chania for the sale of a house located at Köprü neighgbourhood. Offers at the auction for the purchase of shops, houses at the neighbourhood Köprü and fields.-1922-04-17; 1922-04-30
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