7291-7300 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Rethymno Muslim Elders decided to approve the decision made by the Family Council under the presidency of the Inspector Giousouf Aligiantzidakis, to appoint Aziz Karalakis at the position of guardian of orphan Moustafa of late Mehmet Karalakis.-1908-07-15
The Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders accepts the proposition made by the council of the relatives of the orphan child Halime, daughter of the late Ivraim Gerakarianakis, to appoint Gisouf Tsintsarapakis guardian of the child.-1903-07-15
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of Nazife, to authorize the guardian and father of the child Ahmet Dervisalidakis to receive her share from the residence no. 15 in Mesimvrias Street.-1908-05-08
ACREVO00009.jpg.jpgAppointment of Moustafa Metakis(?) as proxy of Hasan Dadarakis and Fatime Dadaropoula, daughter of Dervis, and wife of Ali Mousadakis, residents of Rethymno, for the receipt of money.-1909-06-23
ACREVO00048.jpg.jpgBarbaroszade Hüseyin Efendi eytamı nafakası olan 75 kuruşu Resmo Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair vasi Mehmed imzalı senet. [10 Temmuz 1293]-1877-07-22
ACRGVC00007.jpg.jpgPrefect G. Galanis sends to administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations the document no. 16388/9161 of General Administration of Crete: General Commander of Crete K. Tsaldaris informs Muslims that administration received their complains and took measures.-1921-11-20
ACREVSC00013.jpg.jpgResmo Muhtacin İslamiyesi Komisyonu Riyaseti Komisyonu'nca mübalaa olunan dakikadan oraya çıkarılmak üzere 150 çuval dakik üzeri Maarif Nezareti ibaresi bastırılmış halde Dersaadet'ten hareket ettiğine dair pusula. [3 Kanun-i Sani 1315]-1900-01-15
In presence of Rethymno notary, Georgios A. Loukakis, the director of the Muslim Foundations, Ahmet Vetzih Hatzidakis and the sheikh of the Tekke of Bektasidon Housein Dedes, Housein Babas of Avdoulah Biritziklis.-1921-08-17
Resmo Kazası Milapotamo nahiyesi muzafatından İpraşimo Katiyrdi sakinlerinden Arap Abdülcebbar ibn-i Ali mülkü olan aynı kariyedeki bahçesini kariye-i mezkure sakinlerinden Arnavut İsmail ibni Mustafa'ya sattığına dair ilam. [21 Safer 1290]-1873-04-20
Application of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations against Themistoklis Kallergis concerning the estates offered to the ewkaf of Mousa Veis (Bey) Avdoul Kerim [Kara Mousa Pasas (Paşa)] and their distribution as full property to his heirs.-1913-07-09
7291-7300 / 15207


Issue Date