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Feyzullah Ağa'nın Bolu ve İstanbul köylerindeki akarlarının iltizama verileceğine dair kararlar. [3 Haziran 1307-30 Haziran 1311]-1891-06-15; 1893-08-13
ACREVPR00046.jpg.jpgResmo, Gazi Hüseyin Paşa Mahallesi'nde Küçük Hacı İbrahim Vakfına ait bir bab dükkanın Resmo sakinlerinden ve bakkal esnafından Mustafa Hamidaki'ye kiralandığına dair kira kontratı.-1892-07-03
Muslim Religious Foundations of the periphery of the Holy Court, represented by their director Kiami Efendi (Efendi) Veisagadakis, lease out to Gisouf, merchant, the fields belonging to the ewkaf, which are located at the village Maroulas.-1907-08-24
ACREVPR00040.jpg.jpgThe directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno asks the mayor of Eleutherna to evict Markos Petroulakis from the area of the Muslim cemetery of the village Alfa.-1902-05-18
ACREVPR00027.jpg.jpgVakıf-ı ağanın tamirat bedelinin Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [19 Teşrin-i Sani 1314]-1898-12-01
ACREVPR00630.jpg.jpgResmo Kazası Minoşa Afraciskana Kariyesi sakinlerinden ve Devlet-i Aliye tebasından İstilyano Bernizaki veled-i vasili mülk ve menzillerinin yarı hissesini müşterisi Nikol Biriznopola'ya sattığına dair ilam. [20 Cemaziyelahir 1291]-1874-08-04
Resmo sakinlerinden Keldanaki İsmail Ağa Bin Arif Resmo Nahiyesi Fotoni Kariyesi'ndeki tarlasını Hüseyin Bekraki adlı şahsa satışı ile ilgili ilam. [19 Zilhicce 1278]-1862-06-17
Resmo Kazası Milapotamo nahiyesi muzafatından Orta Kariye sakinlerinden Özağaki Hıralanbo veled-i Nikola'nın deynini ödemesine dair ilam. [17 Ramazan 1281]-1865-02-13
ACREVPR00629.jpg.jpgResmo Evkaf İdaresi'nin malı olup Yalı Mahallesi'nde bulunan bir dükkanın 1308 senesi Teşrin-i evvel ayından itibaren bir sene müddetle iltizama verilmesine dair müzayede pusulası. [25 Ağustos 1308]-1892-09-06
Cover of the file containing documents on the court case of the Muslim Foundations [of Rethymno(?)] against Mihail Dragasis. It is noted that the case has been discussed; in the interior of the file in appeal to the Peace Tribunal of Rethymno is contained.-1913-07-13
The administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations leases through auction the ewkaf shop in Alexandrou Street, no. 20, for a year.-1903-08-16; 1904-09-01
Court Document of the Administration of the Rethmnis Muslim Foundations, against Stavrou G. Lavrakaki.-1880; 1904
Administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Leasing of the no. 34 ewkaf shop in Orea Street, from October 1917 to October 1918; highest bid by Ismail Barbarezakis, resident of Rethymno (12 drachmas per month).-1917-10-19
In the name of lawyer Nikolaos Kaffatos, acting on behalf of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations; towards: Vaklos(?) Xenikakis. According to the relevant decision of the court, he and the other defendants have to pay 237.10 drachmas to the plaintiff.-1908-08-22
The administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations leases the no. 5 ewkaf shop in Tsarou Street for 1 year, through auction, to Hasan Osmanagadakis, resident of Rethymno, for 240 drachmas.-1907-08-12
Behigie Sertopi, Pikri. In presence of the Director of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: leasing of the Vakıf lands of Emirakion, in the periphery of Kare Village, Vrisineon Municipality, for two years, through auctıon, to Halimen Rehberopoulan, for 135 dr.-1906-08-01
ACREVPR00472.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Towards Georgios Kimiounis, Koufi: He is invited to pay the rest of the money he has to pay for the leasing of the ewkaf lands Mourtzana, in the periphery of Koufi village.-1900-01-20
The Mylopotamos Magistrate's Court. Defendant: Emmanouil G. Androulidakis, Iakovos Antonakis; plaintiff: The administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, represented by the ex-director Kiab Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis and the new director Hatzi (Hacı) Ali Vei (Bey) Sinemakakis.-1907-11-12
In presence of Rethymno notary Haralabos I. Stamatakis: Kiami Efentis (Efendi) Veisagadakis, director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, and landowner Alis Veis (Bey) Hatzoglakis of Dervis, representing his sister Tzemile of Dervis Hatzoglakis, housewife, agreed on.-1910-09-28
ACREVPR00453.jpg.jpg129 numaralı dükkanın icar bedeli olan 31 frangın varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz ilm-i haberi. [28 Teşrin-i Sani 1335]-1919-11-28
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