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Muhtelif kariyelerdeki Evkaf mülklerinin ihale defteri--
The administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations sells through auction a plot of land in the periphery of Agios Andreas village, in Birmaki location; highest bid by G. Petrakis, resident of Agios Andreas.-1915-09-13
ACREVPR00609.jpg.jpgPertev Dervisakis, notary, resident of Rethymno, asks to lease a room owned by the administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1922-06-14
Leasing through auction of the ewkaf lands of the Agios Andreas Mosque at the periphery of Agios Andreas village for 2 years, by the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations; fortified to Anton. Valaris for 850 piastres.-1900-07-09
Kira bedellerinin müstecirleri tarafından sandığa teslim olunduğuna dair 3 adet makbuz ilm-i haberi. [1335-1336]-1919; 1920
Müzayedeye çıkarılıp satılan akaratın bedelinin Resmo menfaatına bankalara tevdiine dair Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Karacazade Mustafa imzalı tezkere. [11 Mayıs 1329]-1913-05-24
Towards Rethymno Court of First Instance. Andreas Emm. Kagiouklakis against Markos Karavanos, resident of Erfoi of Mylopotamos, and against Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations, represented by the director Moustafas Karatzedakis.-1916-09-20; 1916-10-01
Registration of the real estate of Mehmet Katsafedakis in the periphery of the Thronos village, eparchy of Amari.--
The plaintiff asks the defendant to pay 489.05 drachmas as a compensation for the ewkaf lands of Kara Mousa Passa (Paşa) which became his private property according to the relevant law of 1899.-1913-07-13
Towards Rethymno Magistrate's Court: Application by Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations, represented by the director Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis, against Georgios Kaoukis, resident of Agios Dimitrios of Rethymno.-1913-07-09
Administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. The director Kiami Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis representing the administration leases the no. 34 ewkaf shop, from September 1909 to September 1910; highest bid by Kostis N. Migiakis (215 drachmas per year).-1909-08-30
ACREVPR00520.jpg.jpgPreveli Caddesi'nde Yorgi veled-i Nikola Zaskalaki'nin mutasarrıf olduğu 14 numaralı hanesinde isale edilmek üzere satın aldığı yarım masura suyun bedeli olan 126,5 frangın su yolcu Zahairi yediyle Sandığ'a alındığına dair makbuz. [8 Nisan 1336]-1920-04-08
The administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations leases the no. 19 ewkaf shop for one year, through auction; highest bid by Fafoul Dragoumanakis (?) ( 66 drachmas per year).-1906-08-27
ACREVPR00507.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı'ndan Deripaza adlı meranın iltizam bedelinden hissesine isabet eden 17 kuruş 22 parayı Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hacı Oğlaki Mercan imzalı senet. [3 Kanun-i Evvel 1314]-1898-12-15
Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations sells through auction the former Muslim cemetery of the Saktoures village; highest bid by Nikolaos Vasilakis (351 drachmas).-1916-01-03
Kara Musa Paşa Vakfı'ndan Portkalaki Ahmed Ağa'nın Aya Yani Kariyesi'ndeki emlakının dosyası. - the Vakif lands of Ahmet Haji Portokalaki in Agios Ioannis Village are leased for 4 years-1884-08-01; 1902-08-01
Leasing of the Vakıf lands of the wife of Ibrahimaga Fasouliaji in Kalandare Village for 4 years.-1880-08-04
Kara Musa Paşa Camii idaresine meşrut olan Milopotamo Kasabası'na bağlı Rumlu Kariyesi'ndeki bir mülkün iltizama verilmesi için yapılan müzayedenin pusula ve muamelleri [1 Eylül 1312]-1896-09-13
Gazi Hüseyin Paşa Cami-i Şerifi'nin tamirat gider pusulaları. [1310]-1894
ACREVPR00435.jpg.jpgTowards Rethymno Magistrate's Court. The president of Rethymno Muslim Elders.-1903-08-14
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