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ACREVP00144.jpg.jpgThe applicant, Ali Riza Temiragadakis, asks for a certificate that will prove he is officially "hieihis" (sheikh) of the Naxibendis and Mevlevis at Rethymno.-1917-12-30
ACREVP00284.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment of 110 drachmas to Titos E. Zakakis as his salary for September (assistant secretary).-1909-10-27
ACREVP00176.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti sends a list of the employees at the Foundations who should take an allowance for the months November and December 1917.-1918-01-13
Resmo Sancağı İhtiyar Meclisi Heyeti'ne gönderilen Veliyüddin Paşa Cami-i Şerifi müezzin ve kayyum vazifelerine Mustafa ve Ahmed Efendilerin tayin edilmesine dair tezkere. [17 Teşrin-i Evvel 1308]-1892-10-29
ACREVP00032.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the General Administration of Crete to the Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to notify Ali Bekirakis of his appointment at the position of teacher at the Muslim School of Rethymno.-1912-12-11
ACREVP00026.jpg.jpgSultan İbrahim Cami-i Şerifi ferraşının 1313 Nisan dönemine ait olan ferraşlık maaşını 40 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığını gösteren pusula. [18 Nisan 1314]-1898-04-30
ACREVP00044.jpg.jpgNote accompanying the submission from Muslim Council of Elders concerning dismissal of teachers and of secretary of the Holy Court and the appointment of Mehmet Hilmi Efentis (Efendi) Moutafakis.-1912-07-14
ACREVP00017.jpg.jpgArif Bey'in 1313 senesi Şubat ayına ait 200 kuruş maaşını Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [4 Haziran 1314]-1898-06-16
ACREVP00037.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of dismissal from duties of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to the former secretary of the Holy Court Rethymno Izet Veis (Bey) Agiorgianakis.-1912-09-14
ACREVP00046.jpg.jpgLetter of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno to Ioannis Vourvahis appointing him as guardian of the Muslim cemetery at the village Palelimnos.-1912-04-21
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