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ACREVP00036.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of Muslim Council of Elders to the Supreme Directorate of Education of the formers decisions concerning the appointment of teacher at Muslim Girls School of Rethymno and of a new bailiff at the Holy Court.-1912-10-17
ACREVP00003.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment of the directorate of Muslim Religious Institutions of Rethymno to Ali Patsouhakis, imam of the Mosque of Perivolia, for his wage of May 1910. Total sum: 50 drachmas.-1910-06-01
ACREVP00008.jpg.jpgThe directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno acknowledges to Mehmet Izzet Tsitsekakis his appointment at the positions of muezzin.-1918-01-04
ACREVP00079.jpg.jpgResmo İhtiyar Meclisi Heyet-i Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili İbrahim Efendi'nin Şeriyye Katibi Aya Yorganaki Mehmed İzzet Bey'in vazifesinden ayrılmasıyla yerine adliye heyetince bir zatın tayinine dair teklifi. [30 Haziran 1340]-1924-06-30
ACREVP00047.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement towards the rural policeman of the village Palelimnos of the district of Rethymno that Ioannis Vourvahis was appointed guardian of the Muslim cemetery and asking that no one else should be allowed to intervene.-1912-04-21
ACREVP00035.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the General Administration of Crete to Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno for the suggestion of a substitute of Emin Bekirakis, bailiff at the Holy Court of Rethymno.-1912-10-17
ACREVP00018.jpg.jpgResmo Sancağı İhtiyar Meclisi Heyet-i Alisi’ne gönderilen Kandiye Cami-i Şerifi görevlilerinin tayinleri hakkında pusula. [3 Kanun-i Sani 1333]-1917
Order of the prefecture of Rethymno to Muslim Religious Foundations' director of Rethymno concerning the legal appointment of the members of the council.-1903-12-15
ACREVP00020.jpg.jpgResmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Başkatibi’nin Teşrin-i Evvel 1325 maaşını aldığına dair pusula. [31 Teşrin-i Evvel 1325]-1909-11-13
Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa, Kara Musa Paşa, Veliyüddin Paşa camilerinde istihkakı olan 36 frank 20 santimi Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Saliha Hayriye ve Rukiye Fatma'nın vasileri Mustafa Tütüncüzaki imzalı senet. [8 Eylül 1325]-1909-09-14; 1909-09-21
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