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ACREVP00354.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: Receipt of payment.-1909-10-01
ACREVP00479.jpg.jpg1313 senesi Ağustos-Teşrin-i Sani dönemi maaşı olan 3600 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Resmo Meclis Reisi Edhem imzalı senet. [20 Şubat 1314]-1899-03-04
ACREVP00293.jpg.jpgApplication by Artemisia D. Melidoni, resident of Rethymno, towards the president of Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders. The applicant asks to be appointed at Rethymno Muslim Girls' School as handcraft teacher.-1909-02-03
ACREVP00256.jpg.jpgTo the president of the Council of the Rethymno Muslim Elders. As there was no ship, a representative of the Education Council is coming late to Rethymno. Maybe he arrives on Saturday.-1921-04-25
ACREVP00344.jpg.jpgAdminstration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: Receipt of payment. 20 drachmas is paid to Hasan Korkidakis as his salary for May (distributing water).-1910-06-01
1310 senesi Kanun-i Evvel maaşı olan 20 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair (?) Kariyesi Cami-i Şerifi İmam, Hatib ve Müezzini Ömeraki Hüseyin Remzi Efendi imzalı senet. [31 Kanun-i Evvel 1322]-1907-01-03; 1907-01-13
1325 senesi Eylül ayı maaşı olan 50 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Valide Sultan Camii İmam ve Hatibi Hacı Mustafa Kazım imzalı senet. [30 Eylül 1325]-1909-10-01; 1909-10-13
ACREVP00145.jpg.jpgIzet Tsitsekakis, chanter of the Mosque Vligandi(?) Pasa (Paşa) of Rethymno asks the Court whether the previously appointed chanter, Mouhgedin Hatzi (Hacı) Vavadakis, at the same mosque, happens to be known to the Holy Court with another surname.-1918-01-21
ACREVP00158.jpg.jpgCamilerde istihdam olunan memurun-i ruhaniyenin ve pederlerinin isimleri ile tahsillerini ve tarih-i tayinleri ile vazifelerine başlangıçlarını havi bir cetvelin hazırlanmasına dair karar.-1918-02-21
ACREVP00202.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt. 14 drachmas is paid to Hatzi (Hacı) Ismail Dragoumanakis as his salary for the month of February 1906 [(cleaning the Mosques of Kara Mousa Pasa (Paşa) and Agkepout)].-1906-02-28
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