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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Applications of Ismail Hakis Hotzakis and Ahmet Sakkis Kaberakis, residents of Rethymno. Towards the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: They ask for a certificate to show that they are appointed as chanter and "kayim".-1918-01-03; 1918-01-04
ACREVP00007.jpg.jpgAppointment of Behaeddin Alemdarakis at the position of the muezzin of the tekke of the Naxibenti "heih" (sheikh)and defining his discharge from military duties.-1918-09-06
ACREVP00008.jpg.jpgThe directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno acknowledges to Mehmet Izzet Tsitsekakis his appointment at the positions of muezzin.-1918-01-04
ACREVP00210.jpg.jpgThe teacher Aspasia Fountilaki of Rethymno Muslim School receives from Mr. Beha Veligratakis 60 drachmas as her salary for December.-1918-12-30
ACREVP00169.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti states that Mehmet Alis Oustadakis serves as imam in Rethymno Tekke of the Bektasi Housein Baba.-1918-06-08
ACREVP00148.jpg.jpgReceipt of payment. Aspasia Fountalaki, teacher at the Muslim Professional School of Rethimnis received 60 dr. as her salary for February from Mpeha Veligradaki, Cashier. [Şubat 1334]-1918-02
ACREVP00104.jpg.jpgApplication of Mehmet Ali Arnavoutaki. Towards the President of the Muslim Elders of Rethimnis: asks to be appointed as mouezinis to any Mosque.-1918-12-28
ACREVP00162.jpg.jpgResmo sakinlerinden İzzet Çiçekaki ve İsmail Hocaki adlı müezzinlerin hangi camide görevli olduklarına dair takrir.-1918-01-15
ACREVP00247.jpg.jpgCamilere bir memur-ı ruhbaniyenin tayin olduğu istihbar kılındığı, bu kişilerin imtihanla mi imtihansız mı tayin kılındığı istifsar buyurulursa da tayin gerekirse imtihanla ehil birinin tayini lazım geldiğine dair Hanya Müftü ve Naib Vekili'nin yazısı.-1918-06-12
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