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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Resmo Sancağı dahilindeki camilerin huteba ve müezzinlerinin isimlerini mübeyyin talep buyurulan cetvelin gönderilmesi hususunda Resmo Müftüsü ve Naib Vekili'nin yazısı. Huteba ve müezzinlerinin isimlerini mübeyyin cetvel-1917-03-12
ACREVP00225.jpg.jpgVeliyüddin Paşa Camii müezzinlik hizmetine matlup Sefinelizade Mustafa Efendi'nin vefatından Sonra münhal kalan müezzinlik, kayyumluk hizmetlerine Muhiddin Efendi'nin tayinine dair karar. [5 Mart 1329]-1913-03-18
ACREVP00219.jpg.jpg1331 senesi Nisan ayı maaşı olan 10 drahmiyi Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığında aldığına dair Ankebut Cami-i Şerifi Ferraşı Kani Ağanın seneti. [4 Mayıs 1331]-1915-05-17
ACREVP00161.jpg.jpgResmo sakinlerinden Saki Kamberaki'nin hangi camiye ve kimin yerine müezzin tayin edildiğine dair takrir.-1918-01-21
The teacher (?) received from Beha Veligradakis, cashier of the Muslim School of Rethymno, 90 drachmas as salary for May 1918.-1918-05-31
ACREVP00175.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti asks that the postman deliver documents concerning the Foundations only to the employees of the Foundations.-1918-01-27
Receipt; the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Nazli Anogiannaki received by Behaoudin Valigradakis, cashier of the Muslim Professional School of Rethymno 80 drachmas as her salary for November 1919 as teacher.-1919-11-30
ACREVP00009.jpg.jpgThe directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno acknowledges to Ismail Haki Hotzakis of Fahroudis his appointment at the position of muezzin.-1918-01-04
ACREVP00038.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of appointment of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to Mehmet Hilmi Efentis (Efendi) Moutafakis at the position of the secretary of the Holy Court of Rethymno.-1912-09-14
Receipt. A. Vevelaki received by Beha Valigradakis, cashier of the Muslim Professional School of Rethymno 100 drachmas as her salary for March and April 1919.-1919-05-14
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