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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVP00169.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti states that Mehmet Alis Oustadakis serves as imam in Rethymno Tekke of the Bektasi Housein Baba.-1918-06-08
ACREVP00442.jpg.jpgTowards the Supreme Administration of Education and of Religions: Rethymno mufti and holy judge complains that the Elders are planning to replace the secretary of the Holy Court Izet Aigiorgiannakis, with an illiterate individual for reasons of personal interest.-1912-05-12
ACREVP00330.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. 160 drachmas is paid to Kiab Veisagadakis as his salary for May (director).-1910-06-01
ACREVP00148.jpg.jpgReceipt of payment. Aspasia Fountalaki, teacher at the Muslim Professional School of Rethimnis received 60 dr. as her salary for February from Mpeha Veligradaki, Cashier. [Şubat 1334]-1918-02
ACREVP00104.jpg.jpgApplication of Mehmet Ali Arnavoutaki. Towards the President of the Muslim Elders of Rethimnis: asks to be appointed as mouezinis to any Mosque.-1918-12-28
ACREVP00101.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment: 15 drachmas is paid to Halil Koumatakis for serving at the Kapediana Mosque.-1910-09-02
ACREVP00163.jpg.jpgÖmeraki Mercan Efendi'nin Sultan İbrahim Camii imametine tayinine dair tahrirat.-1919-01-17
Muslim Council of Elders acknowledges to the Education Department of the General Administration of Crete its decision concerning the dismission of Ali Efendis (Efendi) Spathakis and Hasan Presverakis from the position of teachers at the Ottoman School.-1912-11-24
ACREVP00069.jpg.jpgSultan İbrahim Cami-i Şerifi Ferraşı Mehmed Zekeriya’nın 1326 senesi Eylül dönemine ait olan 10 kuruşluk maaşını Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [30 Eylül 1326]-1910-10-13
ACREVP00045.jpg.jpgNote accompanying the submission from Muslim Council of Elders to the Supreme Directorate of Education and Religion of the proceedings of the Council of Elders concerning the appointment of Halime, daughter of Housein Gazidakis.-1912-04-29
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