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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00260.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations / Receipt of payment. 118.85 drachmas is paid to Ivraim Alisakadakis, amount equivalent to the 85% of the expences he made for repairing a building.-1910-10-19
ACREVF00217.jpg.jpg1313 senesi Kanun-i Evvel-Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait kırtasiye masrafı olan 100 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Debbağoğluzakş Ali imzalı senet. [8 Nisan 1314]-1898-04-20
Directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 24.60 drachmas is paid to Mihail Katsadoros for repairing the residence no. 165 on Tsaros Street.-1909-09-14
ACREVF00160.jpg.jpgIn the name of Themistoklis G. Papadakis, lawyer, resident of Rethymno; bill posting at the front door of the house of Edehim Veis (Bey) Klatzarakis, president of the Council of Rethymno Ewkaf.-1900-02-12
10 Eylül 1298- 9 Mart 1299 dönemine ait Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'na teslim olunan paralara mahsus makbuz ilm-i haberlerini muhtevi koçan. [Eylül 1298-99]-1892-09
14 Haziran-4 Ağustos 1306 dönemine ait Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'na teslim olunan paralara mahsus makbuz ilm-i haberlerini muhtevi koçan. [Haziran 1306]-1890-06
Receipt of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 600 drachmas is paid to Govatzidakis and Kaugalakis for building materials used in various ewkaf's real estates which were bought in April 1903. They are paid now after the approvement of the Muslim Elders.-1906-01-05; 1903-04-05
In the name of the Emperor. The Magistrate's Court of Rethymno. The Ewkaf, whose representative is Omer Atfi Omerakis, against Hasan Ivraim Tsaousakis and Ivraim Pinialakis. He has a debt of 985 and 2.40 piastres.-1891-11-25; 1892-01-08
Administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 5.40 drachmas is paid to Georgios Skouloudis as part of the expenses at a case.-1907-05-09
ACREVF00033.jpg.jpgUnfilled form of invitation edited of the merchant of Rethymno Etehem Vrahnadakis adressed to his debitors.--
ACREVF00027.jpg.jpgEmval-i menkule ve gayr-i menkuleye tarh edilen vergiler hakkında burada hükümet tarafından tanzim edilip başvekalete gönderilmek üzere valiliğe takdim kılınan istidanın bir suretinin takdim kılındığına dair dilekçe. [23 Mayıs 1923]-1923-05-23
ACREVF00023.jpg.jpgKara Musa Paşa Vakfı'ndan isabet eden 179,5 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Naki Ahmet’e ait pusula. [25 Kanun-i Evvel 1309]-1894-01-06
ACREVF00021.jpg.jpgReceipt signed by lawyer Petros Vizanousos/Moatsos(?) for the collecting of 12 drachmas from Kiamis Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis director of Muslim Religious Foundations of the town, for his court expenses made as proxy of Mehmet Soubasakis.-1910-07-24
Derne’de vefat eden Memişaki Mustafa Efendi'nin Resmo tüccarlarından Süleymanaki Mustafa Efendi ile olan ticaretinde Süleymanaki’nin alacağı olan paranın ödenmesi konusundaki kararname ve alacağın dökümü [23-28 Mart 1311]-1895-05-05; 1895-05-10
Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'na 12 Kanun-i Evvel 1309 - 16 Kanun-i Sani 1309 tarihleri arasından teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus makbuz ilm-i haberi. [16 Kanun-i Sani 1309]-1893-12-24; 1894-01-28
Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'na teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus 13 Teşrin-i Sani 1304 -22 Kanun-i Sani 1304 tarihleri arasında verilen makbuz ilm ü haberleri.-1888-11-25; 1889-02-03
Administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipts of payment (1908, no. 1894 to no. 98/39).-1907; 1908
1309-1324 yılları arası alacak-verecek kayıt defteri [1309-1324]-1893
ACREVF00349.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations / Receipt of payment. 54 drachmas is paid to Stergios Manouras for the court expenses made by his client Ioannis Lihnakis.-1907-07-18
ACREVF00344.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 127.50 drachmas is paid to Ahmet Bilalakis for repairing the roof of the Holy Court, the Valide Soultana (Sultan) Mosque and the residence of the administration in Nikolaou Street.-1910-06-02
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