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Receipts of payment by the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1906-12-03; 1904-12-16
Various receipts, Rethymno. Receipts of various taxes the ewkaf of Rethymno paid: Building tax, tax for leasing and for the education; in total it paid 1990.55 drachmas.-1906-01-05; 1902-10-15
In the notary's presence, Konstantinos E. Androulidakis: Georgios Athanasiadis, lawyer, stated that from the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Hatzi (Hacı) Ali Vei (Bey) Sinamenakis who represents Ottoman Elders, received 430 drachmas in total as his payment for some cases.-1903-03-27
Contract of disbursal of the sum of 12.019 and 15/40 piastres paid by debtor Housounis Azapagasidakis or Azapazades, to Hasan Aga Klapsarakis, son of Ismail, from the village Atsipades of Agios Vasileios, at present resident of neighbourhood Mastabas of Rethymno.-1898-11-22
Budget approved at the session of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethimnis concerning the year from the 1st of September 1913 to the end of August 1914 and proceedings of the 79th session of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethimnis.-1914-01-18
ACREVF00017.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim ve Valide Sultan camiilerinin tamir işlerine sarf olunan toplam 209 kuruşun Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [30 Temmuz 1326]-1910-08-12
ACREVF00013.jpg.jpgNote of the municipality to the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations accompanying the dispatchment of the tax catalogue of the revenue department and asking that Salis Roustemakis is notified in order to make use of the law measures.-1923-02-15
Registration of cases of economic interest at the Court of First Instance and peace tribunal of Rethimnis. The parties of action, to object, the court and the outcome of the trials are indicated (16 Pages).-1911-03-17
Resmo sakinlerinden Musa Bakaki Esad Bey bin Yusuf adlı şahsın aynı kazada Marala Kariyesinde Devlet-i Aliye Tebası Rum Milleti'nden Yarucaki Yorgi veled-i Dimitri arasındaki alacak davası. [24 Rebiyülahır 1280]-1863-10-08
Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'na 22 Eylül 1304- 12 Teşrin-i Sani 1304 tarihleri arasından teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus makbuz ilm-i haberi-1888-10-04; 1888-11-24
Administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipts of payment (December 1907, no. 1794 to no. 1893).-1907-12
Sultan İbrahim Han Camii için satın alınan bir lambanın bedelinin Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan ödendiğine dair pusula. [25 Nisan 1314]-1898-05-07
ACREVF00361.jpg.jpgThe lawyer Titos Petaras(?) receives 20 drachmas by the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations for representing it in court.-1904-12-20
ACREVF00347.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations / Receipt of payment. 5.32 drachmas is paid to Ali Sakalidakis.-1907-07-31
Milopotamu Kazasına bağlı Karasuna Kariyesi sakinlerinden Edhem Ağa Hazıraki adlı borçlunun zimmetinde bulunan toplam 1969 kuruş 25 parayı 2 taksitte ödeyeceğine dair borç seneti.-1893-08-29
ACREVF00319.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Camii'ne meşrut ev ve dükkanların tamiratı için sarf olunan 61 frank 75 santimi Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Yusuf Kostalanaki imzalı senet. [22 Kanun-i Evvel 1325]-1910-01-04
Receipt of payment by the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. 14.90 drachmas is paid to Stylianos Kostogiannis for the court expenses of his client Maria, widow of Hatzi (Hacı) Georgios Zervoudakis.-1906-12-12; 1906-12-13
Application towards the president of the Cretan Court of Appeal, by Haralabos N. Fandridis, lawyer, resident of Chania, against the director of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1923-09-18
ACREVF00266.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations / Receipt of payment. 150 drachmas is paid to Georgios Athanasiadis, lawyer, as his reward.-1909-12-01
ACREVF00264.jpg.jpgLeon M. Jschaki. The accountant of the Muslim Professional School pays 59. 31 dr. for clothes.-1915-10-10
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