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Council of Rethimnis Muslim Elders. To Rethimnis Prefecture. The Naval Forces that had been sent to Crete and that are occupying the buildings of the Muslim Schools and, on the 8th of July, together with some citizens destroyed the minaret of the Neraje Mosque.-1921-07-09
The Mouftis informs Rethimnis Prefecture that Izet Aiyoryannakis has been appointed as Secretary at the Foundation by the General Administration.-1914-12-20
Rethimnis Court of First Instance represented by the President Franji Franjeskaki, proposer, and the Judges Mihail Kokolaki and Nikolaou Stratoudaki.-1902-05-08
Consulate of Greece acting as a Notary: Nazife, widow of Ismail Koutsoumousadaki, 2) Fatme, wife of Mehmet Slavodaidaki, 3) Nazire, wife of Hasan Ahmet Betari appoint Hasan Ismail Koutsoumousadaki their General Delegate in order to represent them.-1921-05-25
ACRGVP00058.jpg.jpgThe Prefect G. Galanis asks the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations to inform the Members of the Muslim Council that they have to elect a new President because the former one Alis Sefki Tsitsekakis had resigned from his position.-1921-11-20
ACRGVPR00025.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethimnis Employee who is responsible for the water (Idronomos): the Director informs that Aspasia, wife of Georg. Karavitaki, bought 1/2 masoura of water from the Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations.-1922-08-13
ACRGVP00035.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece/Supreme Administration of Education. Towards Rethimnis Council of the Muslim Elders: The Education Counselor asks them to appoint a new Secretary at Rethimnis Holy Court, replacing the decedent one.-1909-02-12
Towards the Supreme Administration and the Prefecture. Rethimnis Ierodikis reports that Mehmet Hilmis Moutafakis has been appointed Secretary of Rethimnis Ierodikiou.-1912-09-12; 1912-09-15
ACRGVPR00011.jpg.jpgPost office of Rethimnou/ Kingdom of Greece. To the Directorate of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: the Ministry of Transportation approves the leasing contract of the Vakıf building to the Post office for one year.-1921-06-15
ACRGVP00063.jpg.jpgSupreme Administration of Education and of Justice Consul informs the Rethimnis Ierodikin that only the Ierodikis and the Mufti and not the Secretary of the Foundation can be excused (from?).-1902-07-31
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