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ACLEVP00216.jpg.jpgYerapetre Defterdar Cami-i Şerifi Müezzin ve Kayyumu Hacı Ömeraki Molla Mehmed'in vazifesine gelmediği ve yerine Hacı Mazlumaki Mercan Efendi'nin tayin edilmesine dair Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürünün yazısı. [12 Ağustos 1330]-1914-08-25
ACLEVP00391.jpg.jpgAhval-i Hazıra Münasebeti ile memuriyet-i saire gibi kendi memuriyetinin de maaş ve tahsisatlarının tediyesini talep eden yazı.-1918-05-13
Telegraph of the Public Prosecutor of Lasithiou to Muslim Religious Foundations' Director asking that the former Director of the Ewkaf, Ahmet Azizakis, is called telegraphically to prison, due to a deficit of 4.136 drahmon.-1913-10-15; 1913-11-27
ACLEVP00234.jpg.jpgLaşid İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Huzuruna. Laşid Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Avukatlarının baktıkları davalardan dolayı ödeme yapılması hususunda alınan karar. [15 Ağustos 1330]-1914-08-28
Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdüriyeti yapan Hacı İsmailaki Eminin istifasının sebebi resmi bir Tasdiknameyle Bildirilmesine dair Hanya Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Müdürü Arnavudoğlu İbrahim imzalı yazı ve Ahmed Veliyyüddinin Cevabı [16-23 Mayıs 1331]-1915-05-28; 1915-06-05
Muslim Religious Foundations' Director Ahmet Veligoudin Hajiefendaki's Report to the Members of Muslim Council of Elders informing for his resignation from his position due to the reduction of his wage.-1916-10-27
ACLEVP00262.jpg.jpgLetter of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director to the Supervisory Council of Schools' President accompanying the decision no.144/1915 of Muslim Council of Elders according to which Alis Nami Veilarakis's suggested for the Position of Muslim Teacher.-1915-08-31
ACLEVP00281.jpg.jpgApplication of Petrou Vlasi, pernament teacher of Second Grade, to the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou asking for his appointment at the position of the Greek Teacher at the Muslim School of Ierapetrou.-1913-09-29
Application of Osman(?) Suleyman Agadaki, resident of Ierapetrou, in front of Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou asking for his compensation as employee responsible for the distribution of water.-1911-12-26
ACLEVP00390.jpg.jpgYerapetreli Şevki Efendi Arnavutaki adlı şahsın Laşid Sancağı Mahkeme-i Şeriyye Katipliğine tayinine dair takrir. [14 Eylül 1327]-1911-09-27
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