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List of the cases concerning Lasithiou Ottoman Bank for the Orphans, hold by Lawyer Mihail Kothri. 7 cases in which lawyer represents the Ottoman Bank for the Orphans-1908-03-22
At Limenas [Port of] Sitia. Letter of [illegible name, probably a notary] to the director of the Religious Foundations of Lasithi concerning the visit of Ali Babalakis at his office. Ali Babalakis is A renter of real estate belonging to the Directory.-1905-03-02; 1905-03-09
Towards the Administration of the Lasithiou Muslim Foundations. Spinaloga: The writer Haiza Dervisalam (?) reports that the Vakıf carob crops of Spinaloga had been leased through auction to Ali Ef. Soukiourakifor 175 dr.-1904-07-13; 1904-07-25
Auction Announcement by Stafanou Th. Xenaki, trader, resident of Sitias Port, against Nikolaou Kouroupaki, policeman, resident of Mallon Ierapetras.-1896-12-29
Ramazan Efsunopodraki (?) adlı şahsa borçlu olan Yerapetreli Ali Konalaki'nin bu borcunu ödemek için Pendiye Kazası'nda bulunan emlakinden bir kısmını satmak mecburiyetinde kaldığına dair Kandiye İslam Eytam İdaresi'nden gönderilen cevap. [6 Temmuz 1291]-1875-07-18
ACLEVO00233.jpg.jpgRamazan Efsunopodraki (?) adlı şahsa borçlu olan Yerapetreli Ali Konalaki'nin bu borcunu ödemek için Pendiye Kazası'nda bulunan emlakinden bir kısmını satmak mecburiyetinde kaldığına dair Kandiye İslam Eytam İdaresi'nin ifadesi. [29 Haziran 1290]-1874-07-11
In presence of Lerapetras notary Iakovou Em Stefanidou Foulia Veli Vegopoula and Housein Vezit Nejip Vegakis, mortgage register, agreed that Ottoman Bank for Orphans, manager of properties of the late Velibei leased those farms to the second one for 5050 dr.-1896-10-30
Application and table by Mihail Kothri, Lawyer, resident of Ierapetrou, against the Administration of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations, represented by the Director Ahmet Teki Azizaki, resident of Ierapetrou, towards the Ierapetrou Magistrate Court.-1902-09-14
ACLEVFM00022.jpg.jpgEstiye Limanı'nda sakine Fatma binti Cemil adlı kız ile İspirlangalı halen Avniye'de sakin Ali Reis Cemalaki'nin evlenmelerine bir şer'i mani olmadığına dair Avniye Cami-i Şerif imamı ve Naib Vekili Kara Hasanaki Receb Hulusi imzalı ilam. [20 Şubat 1320]-1905-03-05
Table and Application by the Lawyer Nikolau Yannikaki, resident of Ierapetrass, against Lasithiou Administration of the Muslim Foundations, represented by the Director Housein Moutafaki resident of Ierapetrou, Towards the Ierapetrou Magistrate's Court-1908-12-22
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