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ACLEVP00324.jpg.jpgEylül maaşı olan 75 kuruşu Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Defterdar Cami-i Şerifi Kayyum ve Ferraşı imzalı senet. [2 Teşrin-i Sani 1311]-1895-11-14
ACLEVP00211.jpg.jpgMüessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Müdüriyetinden istifa edeceğine dair Ahmed Veliyüddin Efendi'nin mektubu. [24 Şubat 1331]-1916-03-08
Laşid Evkaf Sandığı 1288 senesi maaş senedatı. [1288]-1872
ACLEVPR00259.jpg.jpgMektep suretiyle kullanılmaya lüzum görülmeyen Mekteb-i İnas ve Mekteb-i Sıbyanın Maarif Odasının tensibi ile isticarı hususuna dair Laşid İslam Müessesat-ı Diniye müdürünce Estiye Avniye İmamı Receb Hulusi Efendi'ye gönderilen tahrir. {23 Eylül 1320]-1904-10-06
ACLEVPR00154.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) of Lasithiou to Yeoryion Arfanakin, resident of Sitias, to pay the sum of 135,12 drahmas, including the delay-interest, as rent of Wakf estates to the Directory Treasury.-1916-07-21
ACLEVPR00144.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) periphery of Lasithiou to Nikolaon Siganonistalaki(?) and Haralambon I. Kornaron to pay the sum of 20,15 drahmas from the rent of a shop to the Directory Treasury.-1915-06-24
ACLEVPR00141.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to Lawyer Iosif Koundouron asking him to dispatch to the Directory a copy of the lease contract No. 3224 compilated by the former notary Mehmet Seit and translated in Greek.-1915-06-17
Letter of Lawyer iosif Koundourou to the Administration of the Religious Muslim Foundations concerning the programme of the auction edited by Modatsou, according to the decision No.1019/12 of the President of the Judges of the Courts of First Instance.-1919-09-04
Telegraph of Hojakalakis to Rejep karahasanakin asking him to compilate a statement of annulment(?) in 6 months, to close the case of the Oustamehmetakidon and to return immediately. Telegraph to Rejep Karahasanakin to Sitia asking him to expect a letter.--
The Directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations invites 35 owners of the former Vakıf lands (18 of them are Muslims and 17 are Christians) to pay the compensations according to the law 422.-1904-07-21
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