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ACIEVP00108.jpg.jpg1297 senesi Kanun-i Evvel ayında 22 günlük maaşı olan 144 (rakam ile 124 yazılı) kuruş 8 parayı Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerif Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Evkaf Seyyare Memuru Mahmud imzalı pusula. [3 Şubat 1297]-1882-02-15
1297 senesi Kanun-i Sani’de 4 günlük maaşı olan 38 kuruş 28 parayı Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Ali mühürlü pusula. [17 Kanun-i Sani 1297]-1882-01-29
The File bearing the title: lawyer's office of Konst. G. Stamataki at Iraklio of Crete. Parties: Muslim Foundations of Irakliou against Avdourahmanaki Dervih, Peace Tribunal of Irakliou.-1917-11-04; 1918-01-12
ACIEVP00043.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou to the mayor and judge of the peace tribunal of the town asking that the bearer of this document, Avdis Nourakis, who was appointed by Muslim Council of Elders for the touring.-1902-05-28
ACIEVP00005.jpg.jpgReport to the prefecture of the president of the Muslim Communal Authority acknowledging the appointment of Mihri Kadizade as Director of Muslim Religious Foundations according to the special law concerning the Muslim community.-1910-03-18
ACIEVP00140.jpg.jpgThe Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations appoints Moustafa Efedi Mesaritaki to the position of the Inspector of Muslim Cemetery in Fikias (?) Village, in order to report all those who bring animals into the cemetery.-1921-12-11
ACIEVP00203.jpg.jpgSerseri gezen etfalin icra-yı terbiyeleri zimnında meleke veyahud sınaa verilmek üzere Meclis-i Evkaf ve Eytama celb edilemesi için iki mübaşir tayinine dair karar. [2 Temmuz 1296]-1880-07-14
ACIEVP00198.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of the Mayor of 'arkalohori' [of the Province of Iraklio] to Iraklio Muslim Elders attesting the appointment of Risva Sadikaki as imam at the Village 'Gasi' of the Municipality of 'Arkalohori'.-1902-04-15
Kandiye'de Recep Ağa Camii mektep hocası vekili Anuya Kariyeli Mustafa Efendi vefat ettiğinden merhumun uhdesinde bulunan 3 adet cüz boşta kaldığı için bu vazifeye talip olduğunu bildiren Müftüzade Muhiddin imzalı dilekçe.[24 Kanun-i Sani 1296]-1881-02-05
Irakliou Muslim Students asked the appointment of a proper professor for teaching them the Turkish language and for giving the religion classes the Council appoints Asim Efendi Nizamzade with a salary of 100 dr. per month.-1919-01-02; 1919-12-02
ACIEVP00154.jpg.jpgYeni Çarşı'da bulunan 22 numaralı bir bab hanenin 1 aylık kira bedeli olan 98 drahmi 90 leptanın kiracısı yeddiyle varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz. [20 Mart 1337]-1921-03-20
Decision of Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders concerning the salaries and the employees of the Muslim Foundations.--
Towards Irakliou Prefecture: Secretary of the Holy Court A. K. H. Dervihiakis (?) informs that after Irakliou Mouftis Mehmet Kiazim Efendis has been dismissed, salaries of the court's employees, thus one secretary and one bailiff, can not be payed.-1921-10-12
ACIEVP00118.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel dönemine ait maaşları olan toplam 525 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerif Sandığı'ndan aldıklarına dair Meclis Katibi Melik Efendi, Refiki Mustafa Murad Efendi, Meclis Mübaşiri Ali Ağa imzalı pusula. [15 Teşrin-i Sani 1300]-1884-11-27
Nakşibendi Tarikatı'na mensup Derviş Abdullah Paşa Dergahı'nda mütevelli ve Şeyh İmamzade Ali Fuad'ın öldügünden yerine İmamzade Ahmed Efendi gelinceye kadar Molla İbrahimaki Derviş Necmi Efendi'nin vekil tayinlerinin kabul edilmesi için arzuhal.-1921-10-13
Reisül-Küttab Hacı Hüseyin Efendi Camii derununda ve Hacı Ali Ağa minberinin 1300 yılı Mart-Mayıs ve Haziran Ağustos dönemleri kitabet vazifesi karşılığını Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hatip Es-Seyid Mehmed Hafız imzalı senet. [6 Haziran-9 Eylül 1300]-1884-06-18; 1884-09-21
ACIEVP00038.jpg.jpgLetter of the Mayor of 'Megalis Vrisis' to Muslim Religious Foundations' Director of Irakliou informing him that the recently appointed imam from the Ottoman villages of the Municipality, Dervis Avdourahmanakis, has taken up his duties.-1902-05-20
ACIEVP00020.jpg.jpgHaji Hilmi Gianijaki, Hieih of the Tekke Hanievi Ali Efendou of Irakliou of the order of the Kadridon, asks for permission of absence from his post for a period of ten days, in order to go to the village Larai? as every year.-1919-09-30
Certification from the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou that Sekli Larejaki? is the muezzin of the mosque at Katsaba of Irakliou since the July 9, 1918-1919-03-14; 1920
ACIEVP00015.jpg.jpgApplication of Mustafa Hiakiraki to Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou for the obtaining of a certification that he is the only muezzin at the Tekke of Hieh Ali Efendi.-1919-03-13
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