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Demir Kolijakis had been appointed to clean the Defterdar Mosque and the toilets next to it. After his death his brother Housni Kolijakis continued to do so.-1907-08-24
The Irakliou Prefect approves the decision of the Council to authorize the Administration's Director and the Hiehir and Manager of the Halvetidon Teke to compromise with Halimes Sermejopoulas, widow of Selim Tsaoust.-1924-04-21
ACIEVP00171.jpg.jpg1291 senesi Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait 1 aylık 150 kuruşu Kandiye Nükud-ı Mevkufesi Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hasan Şevki mühürlü pusula [31 Kanun-i Sani 1291]-1876-02-12
The writer informs the Director of Irakliou Treasury that 4 booklets (vivliaria) are needed for the employees of Irakliou Holy Court. Then the Director of the Treasury asks how many bank books are needed for the Foundation.-1922-03-14; 1922-03-28
To the Governor of Lasithiou Department Konstadinon Axelon (?). The Muslims (Moamethanoi) residents of Sitia are complaining that the teacher from Iraklio Roustem Efedis is always drunk and generally speaking doesn't act as a teacher should act.-1894-09-01
ACIEVP00097.jpg.jpgReisül-Küttab Hacı Hüseyin Efendi Cami-i Şerifi derunundaki Levnaki Hacı Ali Ağa Mağribi'nin 1300 senesi Eylül-Şubat dönemi Hitabet vazifesi karşılığı 240 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Es-Seyyid Mehmed Hafız imzalı pusula. [16 Mart 1301]-1885-03-28
Selanik, İzmir, Bursa, Edirne ve Dersaadet'den ıslahhanelere gönderilecek 40 nefer etfalden Resmo, Hanya ve Kandiye'den aynı mahallere gidecek efendileriyle birlikte, bunlardan tayin olacak bir memur refakatiyle izamına dair cevad imzalı telgraf.-1897-12-05
1300 senesi Mayıs ayı maaşı olan 200 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Kandiye Evkaf ve Eytam Meclisi Azası Mülazımı Behçet imzalı senet. [6 Haziran 1300]-1884-06-18
ACIEVP00061.jpg.jpgThe Mouslim School of Irakliou. Towards the Mouslim Elders of Irakliou: They ask to appoint to their school a teacher to help students (Pedonomo).-1919-03-16
ACIEVP00060.jpg.jpgApplication of Ntanias (?) Papoutsapakis (?), resident of Irakliou. Towards the President of the Muslim Elders of Irakliou: He asks for a certificate to prove that he is mouezinis at the Mosque Horasani.-1919-04-09
ACIEVP00059.jpg.jpg1298 Sensi Mart dönemine ait maaşları olan toplam 3257 kuruş 2 paranın Muhasebeci Mehmed Şermi Efendi, Şükrü Efendi, Mustafa Mazhar Bey, Receb Efendi, Ali Kazım Efendi, Mübaşlir Ali Efendi, Mehmed Efendi tarafından alındığına dair pusula. [31 Mart 1299]-1883-04-12
Letter from the part of the Muftis to the Inspector of the Primary Schools informing that Hasan Rijakis was examined according to the Inspector's order by him and that he was found capable of being appointed at the position of the teacher.-1922-03-17
Letter of the Director of Ewkaf to Mr. Voreadi expressing his grief for the non-payment of the wages of the Religious Functionaries, of the bad economic condition of the Ewkaf and the difficult personal position of the sender due to undermining by others.--
ACIEVP00017.jpg.jpgThe President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou certifies that Mustafa Xiakirakis of Husni from Irakliou is the only muezzin Tekke of Hieh Ali Efendi of the religious order of Kadridon at the neighbourhood Sertourna since the 31 October 1918.-1919-03-14
ACIEVP00206.jpg.jpgKenuryo Kazası seyyar memurluğuna tayin kılınan Kürdaki Kasım Efendi vazifesine devam ve itina etmediğinden kendisine yol verilerek yerine münasib birinin tayini hakkında karar. [19 Mart 1296]-1880-03-31
ACIEVP00196.jpg.jpgThe Directory of Iraklio Muslim Religious Foundation. Iraklio Muslim Elders authorizes Mustafa Efendi Mesaritakis from [the Village of] Finikia, to safeguard the Muslim graveyard of the aforementioned village from trespassing and grazing.-1921-12-11
Towards the Ministry of Regious Affairs. Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders suggests to appoint Hajidervihzade Ahmet Kiami Mufti and Ierodiki of Irakliou.-1921-12-17
ACIEVP00173.jpg.jpg1291 senesi Temmuz-Kanun-i Sani dönemine ait 7 aylık istihkakı olan 58 kuruş 13 parayı Kandiye Evkaf-ı Şerife Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair İmam Osman imzalı pusula. [6 Şubat 1297]-1882-02-18
Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders decides to replace the translator of the Foundation and Secretary of the Supervision Tevfik Saratsakis because he is not trustworthy Vefik Efendis Mouratis is appointed in his place.-1918-06-14
The Council of Irakliou Muslim Elders decided that the Muslim Foundations need more than one bayliff therefore, they decided to spend the money of the salary of the ex-secretary (60 dr.) in order to hold three bayliffs.--
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