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In presence of Iraklio Notary Andreou N. Parasiraki: İbrahim Noumanakis or Kolonakis states that he accepts the responsibility to pay the amount his brother Alis Noumanaki might ask from mother Esmal Lodargloudopoulou and sister Aliyes Noumanaki.-1903-11-05
ACIEVF00223.jpg.jpgEvkaf gelirlerinden elde edilen akçeyi koymak için imal edilen torbaların bedeli olan 45 kuruş 35 parayı Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Terzi imzalı pusula.[15 Teşrin-i Evvel 1297]-1881-10-27
Iraklio Inspector of the Properties of the Muslim Orphans pays 16.95 drahmes as a tax for a building.-1911-09-28
ACIEVF00177.jpg.jpgThe heir that Ferik Bey pays is 4,20 drahmes as a tax for the crops he collected.-1910-09-04
Şerif Efendi'ye ait vakıf nukudunun masraf senetleri. [Haziran 1295]-1879-06
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na 5 Mart 1338 ila 31 Mart 1338 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm ü haber. [31 Mart 1338]-1922-03-05; 1922-03-31
In presence of Iraklio Notary Apostolou N. Vavouraki: The farmer Mehmet Pikoulakis or Memihiakis, Alis Agakakis or Damnialakis, son of Huseyin Pirakis agreed on: the second one payed to the first 306,35 drahmes and the interests and discharged his debt to him.-1907-03-20
ACIEVF00229.jpg.jpgIn presence of Iraklio Notary Emmanouil X. Miliara: Ioannis K. Sfakianakis states that Hamcas Arapahmetakis payed him 7000 drahmes.-1912-05-21
Budget: Incomes and expenses of the Iraklio Muslim Foundations from September 1906 to August 1907.-1906; 1907
Kandiye İslam Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nin 1913 senesi varidat ve masarifat muhasebesinin görüldüğüne dair karar - Approval of the budget: incomes 52368 dr./ Expenses 52368 dr.-1913-10-28; 1914-01-21
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