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Malumat-ı Nafia. Girid Mekatib-i İbtidaisi için intihab olunmuştur. [Kandiye Mekteb Matbaası'nda temsil olunmuştur, 12 Mart 1264]-1848-03-24
Towards Irakliou Muslim Elders: the Director R. Selimefedakis expresses his regret for the claims of the Teacher Hasan Karavanaki and answering to his accusations he supports that the school under his administration is in perfect order that all teachers can't be absent from work without his permission and that all students are following the classes, although some of them fece very important financial problems.-1913-11-18; 1913-11-19
Decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou concerning the application of the order of the General Administration of Crete 3944/1813, 16-10-1913, of the transformation of the 6-Class Muslim Girls School to a 7-classone.-1913-10-24
Letter of the President of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou (?) to the Supreme Directory of Education concerning the number of teachers needed for the Muslim schools of the town.-1903-02-03
ACIEVE00038.jpg.jpgAddition of 8 articles at the deed of association of the football and music association of Iraklio 'Fikri Selim'.-1915-11-07
Delivery of invitation of Ahmet Fazil Haji Fazilzade, Director of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou, to Ali Psimidaki, concerning the school of the Wakf offering of Mahmut Aga, according to the decision of Muslim Council of Elders, no.73.-1900-08-26
ACIEVE00005.jpg.jpgİhtiyar Meclisi Reisi Çalıkzade Nuri Bey'e Mahalli Mekatib Müfettişi'nden 7 sınıflı Mektebin Müdürü Kadrizade Nuri ve İnas Mektebi Müdürü Mustafa Raşide tebliğ olan mezahib ve maarif nizamının tahrirat-ı umumiyesinin suretinin gönderildiğine dair yazı.-1922-02-24
ACIEVE00004.jpg.jpgKandiye İslam Mekteb-i Leyli Heyet-i İdaresine kurban bayramı dolayısıyla kesilecek kurbanların derilerinin mekteb için toplanmasına dair. [22 Ağustos 1334]-1918-08-22
List with the names, ages and grades in the office, of the Teachers of Muslim Boys School, the Muslim Elementary School and the 6-Class Muslim Elementary Girls School of Irakliou.-1923-03-28
ACIEVE00020.jpg.jpgLeyli Mektebin Heyet-i İdaresi'ne dair Hanya İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Reisi'nin yazısı. [14 Teşrin-i Sani 1329]-1913-11-27
ACIEVE00037.jpg.jpgKandiye İslam Mekteb-i Leyli Heyet-i İdaresi Reisi Esseyid Hafız Mehmed Edhem'in Kandiye İslam İhtiyar Meclis-i Riyasetine, Zahdi Efendi'ye yazdığı istidaları ve bir ilanı havi defter parçası.--
Book of deliveries of dresses of [the sewing maid or dressmaker and sewing teacher] Maria Tzagarulaki.--
Kandiye Rum İdadiye Mektebi'nde Türkçe ve Ulum-ı Diniye derslerini okutmak üzere aylığı 100 drahmi maaş ile Nizamzade Asım Efendi'nin tayin olunması hususunda Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nce alınan karar. [19 Teşrin-i Evvel-19 Mart 1336]-1919-10-19; 1920-03-19
Apology and expostulation of Mehmet Ali Mulazade, law student and resident of Iraklio, against the Muslim Council of Elders and the Evkafs' Directory of Iraklio for the annulment of the former's scholarship due to change in his subject and place of study.-1904-02-23
Towards Administration of the Evkaf: Irakliou Prefect G. Maris answers to a previous letter that according to the decision of the Ruling Council (igemoniko Simvoulio) buildings of the schools are part of communal responsibilities and expenses and therefore he can't provide them with the rooms they asked for that purpose.-1899-11-12
ACIEVE00025.jpg.jpgTowards the Inspector of Irakliou Muslim Schools.-1911-11-01
Azl edilen Fehriye Hanım'ın yerine diğer bir muallime tayin olunamayacağı ve mevcut muallimenin fazla dersleri yetişemeyeceğinden dolayı sınıfların birleştirilmesi ancak bunun da çocukların eğitimini menfi olarak etkileyeceğine dair müzakere.-1915-01-26
ACIEVE00017.jpg.jpgMekatib-i İslamiye hakkında Valilikçe Hanya ve Resmo İhtiyar Meclislerine gönderilen yazının bir suretinin ekte takdim edildiğine dair Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Kalemi'nden Çalıkzade Nuri Beyefendi'ye yazılan ilm-i haber.-1922-03-02
ACIEVE00009.jpg.jpgLetter to the Mayor of Irakliou informing about the evacuation of the 7-class Muslim school and the girls school and asking that the 4-class Muslim boys school at Yeni Jami, which belongs to Ivraim Vei Haji Alivegaki, is left to the community(?)-1917-04-28
According to the law no 395 concerning the port of Irakliou City, the school and the Hiantrivani(?) of Evkaf located on Vezir Street, close to the port, have to be demolished for the creation of a square at the same area.-1904-01-05
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