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Irakliou Municipality. The Public collector of money receives 367, 60 dr. from Arapahmetaki Hamja for lighting-1907-10-03
ACIGVP00061.jpg.jpgDictum-rescript of Law Council of the Ministry of Church issues and Public Education [of Kingdom of Greece] concerning the validity of the dismissal of the imam of Iraklio, Housou Verikokaki or Tefelianaki, from office. His dismissal is approved as valid-1920-12-10
Towards Administration of Education. President complains that although the Elders proposed appointment of G Papadaki to the Muslim school, of Moustafa Mouladaki as director of the Muslim School and of Jalip Pezanaki as Director of Muslim Girls' School-1911-11-10
ACIGVP00055.jpg.jpgTowards Supreme Administration of Education. Muslim Elders had proposed to have teachers of Irakliou Muslim School of Girls Fahrie Arabaoulopoula and Nesibe Veinamazopoula dissmissed and to have appointed Azize Selim Efedaki Teacher and Kiolbe Jeneraki-1911-10-20
ACIGVO00006.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece/The Public Prosecutor of Irakliou. Towards Supervision of Irakliou Muslim Council of Elders: Hatije Mouladopoula or Agiasemiotaki asks to become the guardian of her grand daughter-1914-04-09
ACIGVM00025.jpg.jpgThe Irakliou Prefect informs Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations that the Ministry of Interior affairs had ordered the handing over of the mosques that had been occupied by the soldiers to the Muslim Community-1915-11-11
Office of the President of the Governmental Council. The President has received the invitation-1915-02-03; 1915-02-08
Towards Irakliou Prefect: He is informed that the Imam Housein Kalopsouzakis had been excused from work for a period--
Irakliou Mayor M. Deliahmetakis asks the Administration of Irakliou Evkaf for a detailed list of the water contacted to certain places.-1901-02-23; 1902-07-27
The writer informs Irakliou Mayor that G. Gounalakis demolished a vakif residence that existed in the court yard of the Vezir Mosque and that used to be used by the servants of the mosque he asks if he had a permission ot do so or not-1902-09-07
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