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ACIEVPR00437.jpg.jpgZülfükar Ali Paşa Vakfı'ndan Tepe Mahallesi'ndeki dükkanların kira makbuzu [22 Teşrin-i Sani 1338]-1922-11-22
ACIEVPR00460.jpg.jpgProperty of the Irakliou Evkaf. Plan of the Platia Strata Market.-1921-07-15
Menufaç Pirgo Kariyesinde vefat eden Ali bin Hasan Dervişaki'nin geride bıraktığı yetimleri için akraba meclisinin teşekkülüne dair alınan karar.-1921-03-29
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells the place of the ex mosque together with the yard highest bid by Dim. Kokkinidou, resident of Irakliou (1825 dr.)-1920-11-10
ACIEVPR00451.jpg.jpgYeni Çarşı'da bulunan 31 numaralı bir bab dükkanın 4 aylık kira bedeli olan 41 drahmi 20 leptanın kiracısı Hüseyin Karalaki yeddiyle varid-i sandık olduğuna dair makbuz. [23 Mart 1337]-1921-03-23
Leasing through auction: No 15 shop of Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations fortified to Ivrahim Haji Jemalaki for 12 dr./Magistrate's Court. Director is invited to court, on June 18, 1921, in order to discuss the appeal of Ivrahim Haji Jemalaki-1916-07-05; 1921-05-31
Kandiye İslam Mekteb-i İnas Müdürü Pezenaki Ali Calib Efendi'nin felç olması sebebiyle yerine Mekteb-i mezkurda muallimlik ve müdürlük yapan Laşid Müftü-i Sabıkı Kandiye'de Mukim Mustafa Raşid Efendi İmamzade'nin tayini hususunda alınan kararname-1921-11-13
The President of Irakliou Muslim Elders certifies that Housein Haki Efendis Skenderefendakis, resident of Irakliou served as a teacher in certain Muslim schools of Irakliou Prefecture from 17 March 1882 (1298) to the end of February 1896 (1312).-1920-04-09
The Muslim Religious servants complain that their salaries are not enough to live any more the Irakliou Muslim Elders agree on that.-1920-01-02
ACIEVP00134.jpg.jpgApplication by Mehmet Ali Mouladaki, son of Salih, resident of Metohia Mastaba in the periphery of Iraklou, towards the Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations:-1920-02-11
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