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ACIGVPR00039.jpg.jpgThe Director asks the Mayor to take half masoura of water from the Sultan Mehmet Mosque and to provide it To the Treis Kamares Kazinou of the Efkafiou-1901-09-15
ACIEVC00016.jpg.jpgCrete Jandarmerie/ Iraklio Station. The Jandarmerie informs the Ierodiki Rethimnis that the Captain Ahmet Fagri Skoufouyannakis (?) is under arrest and that he is going to be transferred to the Holy Court.-1903-11-30
ACIEVJ00053.jpg.jpgMufad karaname vechiyle icab ve iktizasına icra olunmak üzere keyfiyetin tasdikine karar verildi ibaresi yazılı 655 no.lu karar. [24 Eylül 1317]-1901-10-07
Estiye Kazası, Ahlazya Kariyesi sakinlerindenken fevt eden Hüseyin Hacı Arifaki'nin Fatma, Ahmed ve İbrahim adlı eytamı için akraba meclisinin toplanması, yetimlerin valideleri Hatice Yanazopola'nın vasi tayin edilmesi kararı. [16 Teşrin-i Evvel 1316]-1900-10-29; 1900-11-04
File of orphans of İbrahim Bey Efendakizade [Ivraim Afedaki, Kandiye].-1902-04-09; 1903-05-08
Mustafa Halilaki [Moustafa Nazım Baram Efedaki] ve zevcesi Azize Kalfa Zopola eytamı, [Temnos Pasinpi?]-1909-05-19
ACIEVO00570.jpg.jpgPendiye Kazası, Alya Kariyesinde sakinken fevt eden Rüstemaki Nazif'in eytamı için toplanan akraba meclisinin eytamın vasiliğine Suvaraki Mehmed Ağa'nın tayin edilmesine dair kararı. [1 Ağustos 1318]-1902-08-14
Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders approve the decision of the Family Council of orphans Merjan idrizaki, under the presidency of the inspector Housein Bezmi Dervisaliefedaki, to authorize guardian Ivrahim Hahalaki to sell a residence of orphans.-1903-09-24
The Family Council of the under age orphans Dasvik (?) Doudedaki. The council appoints the mother of the children Pembes Zeinepis Hanoumis (?) as their guardian.-1901-11-19
ACIEVPR00337.jpg.jpgStatement by Housein Moufaajipaki, Towards the Director of Irakliou Council of the Mouslim Elders-1901-09-01
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