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Towards the Director of the Hanion Muslim Foundations: Nikoaou G. Galanakis states that he ıs ınterested ın buying the no28 shop which ıs located out of the Kissamitikin (West) gate of city and he asks to be ınformed about the date of the relevant auction-1905-04-17; 1905-05-17
In the name of the prince. The Crete Court of Appeal / Administration of the Chania Muslim of undations/ acting on behalf of the Director Arif Bitsaksaki, against Moustafa Jigouni, represented by the Lawyer Georgiou Stratigaki-1902-06-27
Rukiye Molla binti Osman Efendi Vakfı'ndan Nevrekor Kariyesi'ndeki vakıf akarın tamirat masrafıyla tarla üzerine Dimitri Bolicaki'nin inşa ettiği haneyle avlunun vakfa iadesiyle Dimitriye verilen parayı Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair ilm-i haber-1901-09-03
In presence of the Hanion Notary Georgiou İ. Stanaki (?): Ali Veis Kasimzades, Director of the Hanion Administration of the Muslim Foundations, and Efstathios Gr. Zabetakis, employee of the notary and on the other hand Grigorios Zabetakis, cooker, agreed on.-1909-09-03
in Presence of Halepa Notary Ioannou K. Volveraki: Fatme Jejaergopoula, House Wife, resident of Parigorias Chania, grants one part of her real estates to Mehmet Tsoukakis, Ivraim Moustafa Tsoukaki and Emin Moustafa Tsoukaki and Moustafa ivr. Tsoukakis-1906-07-20
In the name of the King of Greece Georgiou, the Chania Court of Appeal, represented by the President Aristidou G. Aleksandrou and the judges Adoniou Zilimonos (?), Markou Dimitrakaki, Proposer, Kostadinou Papadaki and Petrou Tataraki, Prosecutor.-1909-06-01
Kumkapı'da Cennetmekan Hüseyin Paşa'nın Cami-i Şerifinin avlu duvarının yarım metre kadar irtifa ettirilmesi hakkında Kumkapı ahali-i İslamiyesinin istidasının kabulüne dair alınan karar.-1909-04-28
The committee under the presidency of the director of the Chania Muslim Foundations Ivraim Bey Barouzaki announces the Selling auction of vakif real estates /on the newspaper 'tall White Mountains'-1908-08-24
ACCEVPR00537.jpg.jpgKiryako Miçyotaki'nin Evkaf Dairesine icar bedelinden vereceği olan meblağın avukatlardan Yorgi Komi'ye havale etmesine mezuniyet verilmesine dair karar. [6 Teşrin-i Evvel 1900]-1900-10-06
Sandığa bağlı vakıf mallarının listesi. [1318]-1902; 1903
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