1841-1850 / 4883
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Nalbant Hacı Hasan Vakfından Korzolaki Selimin Annesi Selime Hanım'ın Kidonya Kazası, Derelinci Kariyesindeki akarının 1/2 hissesinin Ali Hacı Mehmedaki'nin kefaletiyle Homazaki Hasan Efendi ile Hacı Mehmedaki İbrahim Ağa'ya ihale edildiğine dair karar.-1896-10-14
Instance of the Lawyer Athanasios Vloum-Paschalis, resident of Chania, before the president of the Court of First Instance of Chania, against the Directory of the Muslim Pious Foundations of Chania, represented by Arif Bitsaksakis.-1902-09-25
Şefik Efendizade Lebib Efendi tarafından takdim kılınan istidada Derviş Ali bin Ömer Odabaşaki merhumun Maratokefala Kariyesindeki eski Vakıf Çiftliğinin icar bedelinden dolayı kiracısı Tiraki Ahmed'in zimmetinde matlub kalan paranın alınmasına dair karar-1906-10-22
Zikraki Molla Mehmed'in Yetimi Sermed'in Kodozyana Kariyesindeki mutasarrıf olduğu emlakin 1309 senesi Eylül başlangıcından İtibaren 2 sene müddetle talibine iltizam edileceğine dair müzaye pusulası. [20 Temmuz 1309]-1893-08-01
In the name of Ahmet Argiraki, Director of Chania Evkaf, and of Halim (?) Efedaki, accountant of the Foundations towards Housein Akif Hafiz Efedaki.-1885-05-04
ACCEVPR00454.jpg.jpgMehmed Hacı Edibaki Molla Hüseyin'in Kidonya Kazası Kirtomazo Kariyesindeki emlakinin müzayede pusulası ve muamelatı [1 Ağustos 1306]-1890-08-13
Yusuf Paşa Camii avlusu duvarları demirleri ile hanelerinin merdivenleri inşaatı keşif ve inşası dosyası [11 Mart 1328]-1912-03-24
Towards Administration of Education. Muslim Elders report that the number of students of Chania Muslim School of Girls has been rised and therefore there is a need to create a new teacher position and propose appointment of Esmas Hanoum Haji Ahmetopoulas.-1907-11-04; 1907-11-07
ACCGVP00016.jpg.jpgSupreme Administration of Education and of Justice. Towards Chania Council of the Muslim Elders: Niko. Palidis and Merjan Demourjakis have been appointed inspectors of Administration of Bank for Muslim Orphans in order to draw a report on its activities.-1906-07-10
The Eastern Telegraph Company/ towards the President of Irakliou Muslim Elders. Fazil Toutoujizade informs that they had been accepted by the President that assured them that Minister of Education is not going to accept the proposal of inspectors of Crete-1915-08-07
1841-1850 / 4883


Issue Date