3011-3020 / 15207
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Topkapı'da Eğri Kapu haricinde kain Evkaf-ı Miriye'den Eyyüb-i Ensari Vakfı Gedikleri hisseleri seneti [15 Rebiülevvel 1252]-1836-06-30
Zenciye Fidan Hanım binti Abdullahın Karaman-ı Sağir Hoca Hayreddin Mahallesi Emir Buhari Sokağındaki hanesinin tapusu [4 Safer 1309]-1891-09-09
Leasing of the no 5 vakif shop, in Kavalla, in Agora location, Yukari Kapi Square former rent: 42 dr. per month-1918-10-23
Leasing auction concerning a shop in Kavalla.-1919-10-30
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na 5 Mart 1338 ila 31 Mart 1338 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm ü haber. [31 Mart 1338]-1922-03-05; 1922-03-31
In presence of Iraklio Notary Apostolou N. Vavouraki: The farmer Mehmet Pikoulakis or Memihiakis, Alis Agakakis or Damnialakis, son of Huseyin Pirakis agreed on: the second one payed to the first 306,35 drahmes and the interests and discharged his debt to him.-1907-03-20
ACIEVF00229.jpg.jpgIn presence of Iraklio Notary Emmanouil X. Miliara: Ioannis K. Sfakianakis states that Hamcas Arapahmetakis payed him 7000 drahmes.-1912-05-21
Budget: Incomes and expenses of the Iraklio Muslim Foundations from September 1906 to August 1907.-1906; 1907
Irakliou Council of Muslim Elders. Director of Muslim Foundations reported that vakif real estate offered to ivrahim Aga Mosque should be leased through auction and among others he proposed to lease a building at Tris Kamares to irakli Maeagaki for 70 dr-1902-10-14
Statement of Taxable Edifice of the Muslim Religious Foundations of Chania submitted to the Municipality of Chania for a basement located at the town of Chania of a yearly revenue of 36 drahmes. The basement is rented to Mehmet Spahakis, Hairdresser.-1910-08-24
3011-3020 / 15207


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