2931-2940 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACNEVPR00133.jpg.jpgSakin olduğu dükkanın 1308 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel dönemine ait 1 aylık bedel-i icarı olan 88 kuruşu İhtiyat Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Terzi Kisamitaki Ali imzalı ilm-i haber. [6 Teşrin-i Sani 1308]-1892-11-18
Towards the prefect. Auction of the properties of the late Ahmet Hiaktra (?).--
ACNEVPR00111.jpg.jpgFarms owned by Ioan. Fanouraki--
Resmo, Aya Andre Kariyesi ahalisindenken vefat eden Ahmet Sokolaki'nin Ahmet, Ali, Zülfiye(?) ve Adile adlarındaki 4 yetiminden Adile ile evlenen Haydar Hamidolaki'nin diğer 3 yetim ve anneleri Ümmügülsüm Merakopola'nın emlak ve akarları hakkındaki dilekçesi-1906-03-21; 1906-03-22
ACREVJ00085.jpg.jpgResmo İhtiyar Meclisi'nin 3 Mayıs 1327 tarihli iştima zabıtnamesi .-1911-05-16
Muhtelif kararları havi varaka. [1 Mayıs 1298]-1882-05-13
ACIEVO00020.jpg.jpgDecision the Relatives Council of the minor orphans of the deceased Seit Vei Harajadaki From Irakliou, ivrahim, Mizestes, Melikes and Huseyn concerning the estates with olive-trees of the orphans at the village Gazi of Irakliou after a proposal of the orphans guardian, Hievki Vei Haji Roukounaki.-1912-12-30
Rethimnis Court of First Instance represented by the President Franji Franjeskaki, proposer, and the Judges Mihail Kokolaki and Nikolaou Stratoudaki.-1902-05-08
Consulate of Greece acting as a Notary: Nazife, widow of Ismail Koutsoumousadaki, 2) Fatme, wife of Mehmet Slavodaidaki, 3) Nazire, wife of Hasan Ahmet Betari appoint Hasan Ismail Koutsoumousadaki their General Delegate in order to represent them.-1921-05-25
ACRGVP00058.jpg.jpgThe Prefect G. Galanis asks the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations to inform the Members of the Muslim Council that they have to elect a new President because the former one Alis Sefki Tsitsekakis had resigned from his position.-1921-11-20
2931-2940 / 15207


Issue Date