2631-2640 / 15207
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Meeting in order to discuss the proposal of the Director to buy a building plot next to the Kapetan ivrahim Passa Mosque, because the Administration is always in conflict with the present owners accepted by the Irakliou Council of the Muslim Elders.-1910-10-21
ACIEVPR00464.jpg.jpgLawyer Emmanouil Melissidis states that he accepted the 20% of the rights of Hamza Arapahmetaki against the Public, concerning the expropriation of his Residence in Haouli Location, at the port, as his reward for representing him on court.-1916-02-20
ACIEVPR00537.jpg.jpgIrakliou Efkaf sells the old Muslim cemetery at Rouses location, in Avgenes Maleviziou Village highest bid by Haralabos Helidonaki (400 dr.)-1915-09-05
ACLEVE00031.jpg.jpgAyanoviyano Kariyesi Sıbyan Mektebinin İmtihanı icra kılınmış ise de Mektebin Muallimi Zeki Efendi çocukların jurnallerini hazırlamadan ayrılmış ve jurnaller tedavi için Oradakihondros Sıbyan Muallimi Hüseyin Efendi tarafından hazırlandığına dair takrir.-1886-08-30
1323 senesi Receb ayının 27. Salı Gecesi Miraç Gecesi olduğuna dair Laşid Sancağı Naib Vekili ve Laşid Livası Müftüsü Mustafa Raşid imzalı yazı. [10 Eylül 1321]-1910-08-17
In the name of the King of the Greeks Georgiou A. Lasithiou Court of First Instance, Plaintiff: Administration of the Lerapetro Muslim Foundations acting on behalf of the Director Housein Moutafaki/ Defendants: the heirs of the late Risvan Mehmetaki.-1907-12-21; 1909-03-11
ACLGVE00017.jpg.jpgLasithiou Ierodikis Moustafa Rahit informs the Supreme Administration of Education that the Foundtion received 7,50 Dr from Court Taxes.-1904-10-02
ACNGVDIV00006.jpg.jpgGirid İslamiye Cemaati'ne Horpasta Vakfı ve Maarif Dairesi hakkında uygunsuz bir şeyler varmış gibi rapor hazırlamaya Mehmed ve Seyfeddin Efendileri gönderileceğinin bildirildiği Horpasta Cemaat-i İslamiye Şubesi Reisi imzalı mektup [22 Kanun-i Sani 1331]-1916-02-04
ACNGVDIV00038.jpg.jpgThe Governor (Genikos Diikitis) of Crete is about to leave and the Muslim community thanks him for the security, justice and progress that their country (imetera Patrida) enjoyed under his administration.-1915-04-08
ACNGVF00008.jpg.jpgGeneral Administration of Crete. Towards Council of the Muslim Elders: they can send their tax statement till the end of July 1922.-1923-07-04
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