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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
HBA073.pdf.jpg"Yerleşmek" (Proje4L, 2001), sergi davetiyesi - "Becoming a Place" (Proje4L, 2001), exhibition invitation-2001-09-21; 2001-11-24
"Yetişmek" (IASKA Galeri, Kellerberrin, Avustralya), sergi davetiyesi, 2005 - "Catching-up" (IASKA Gallery, Kellerberrin, Australia), exhibition invitation, 2005-2005-02; 2005-03
HBA347.jpg.jpg"Yetişmek" (IASKA Galeri, Kellerberrin, Avustralya, 2005), sergi davetiyesinin ön yüzü - "Catching-up" (IASKA Gallery, Kellerberrin, Australia, 2005), cover of the exhibition invitation-2005-02; 2000-03
HBA357.jpg.jpg"Sevilla 1. Uluslararası Güncel Sanat Bienali" davetiyesi, 2004 - "1. Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla" invitation, 2004-2004-10; 2004-12
HBA424.jpg.jpg"Under the sign of the city" (Kuntsmuseum Bonn, Almanya, 2002), sergi davetiyesi - "Under the Sign of City" (Kuntsmuseum Bonn, Germany, 2002), exhibition invitation-2002-01; 2002-03
HBA205.jpg.jpg"Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" (Platform Garanti GSM, İstanbul), 2003 - "Shadows and Ghosts" (Platform Garanti CAC, Istanbul), 2003-2003-05-03; 2003-05-31
HBA077.jpg.jpgHow Latitudes Become Forms: Art in a Global Age (Walker Art Center), sergi davetiyesi - How Latitudes Become Forms: Art in a Global Age (Walker Art Center), exhibition invitation-2003
HBA027.pdf.jpg"Burada", sergi davetiyesi, Platform Garanti GSM, 2003 - "Here", exhibition invitation, Platform Garanti CAC, 2003-2003-02-21; 2003-03-22
HBA385.jpg.jpg"Snapshots of Tourism" (Galeri Augusta, Helsinki, Finlandiya), sergi davetiyesi, 2010 - "Snapshots of Toursim" (Gallery Augusta, Helsinki, Finland), exhibition invitation, 2010-2010-06-18; 2010-08-15
HBA313.pdf.jpg"Strange and Close" (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Hollanda), sergi davetiyesi, 2009 - "Strange and Close" (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Hollanda), exhibition invitation, 2009-2009-11-28; 2010-03-21
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