2841-2850 / 3126
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
PG530.JPG.jpgWael Shawky, "The Cave" (2004), "Normalizasyon" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Wael Shawky, "The Cave" (2004), "Normalization" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005-03-10; 2005-04-23
PG528.JPG.jpgYael Bartana, "Trembling Time", "Normalizasyon" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Yael Bartana, "Trembling Time", "Normalization" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005-03-10; 2005-04-23
PG589.JPG.jpgHalil Altındere ve Borga Kantürk (soldan sağa) "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisinin kurulumunda, Platform GSM, 2005 - Halil Altındere and Borga Kantürk during the installation of "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
Filmmor Kadın Kooperatifi sunumu ve gösterimi (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform GSM, 2006) - Filmmor Women's Cooperative presentation and screenings (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform CAC, 2006)-2006-10-28
Philippe Vergne, “Somut şiir küresel sanatın bir örneği miydi?" konuşması, Platform (İstanbul), 2001 - Philippe Vergne, "Concrete Poetry; as an early example of global art?" talk, Platform (Istanbul), 2001Philippe Vergne2001-11-22
HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06] açılışı, Platform GSM, 2006 - Opening of HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform CAC, 2006-2006-10-27
Carlos Basualdo, "Bir Program: Sergilerin Siyaseti Üzerine" konuşması, Platform (İstanbul), 2001 - Carlos Basualdo, "A Program: The Politics of Exhibitions" talk, Platform (Istanbul), 2001Carlos Basualdo2001-11-13
XS Laboratuarları Elektronik Tekstiller atölyesi (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform GSM, 2006) - XS Labs Electronic Textiles workshop (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform CAC, 2006)-2006-10-28
Bioteknika atölyesi (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform GSM, 2006) - Bioteknika workshop (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform CAC, 2006)-2006-10-28
Bengü Karaduman'ın sunumu (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform GSM, 2006) - Presentation by Bengü Karaduman (HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06], Platform CAC, 2006)-2006-10-28
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