1891-1900 / 3126
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
PG159.pdf.jpg"Ve Dans Etmeye Başladım" - "And I started to Dance"PAC2003
PG156.pdf.jpg"Mekân Yaratmak" sergisinin (Platform GSM, 2003) paralel etkinlikleri - Parallel events of "Making Space" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2003)-2003-07-10; 2003-08-07
PG163.jpg.jpgRobin Rhode, "Catch Air", "Mekân Yaratmak", Platform GSM, 2003 - Robin Rhode, "Catch Air", "Making Space", Platform CAC, 2003Robin Rhode2003
Robin Rhode, "Catch Air", "Mekân Yaratmak", Platform GSM, 2003 - Robin Rhode, "Catch Air", "Making Space", Platform CAC, 2003Robin Rhode2003
PG498.pdf.jpg"Sanat İçin…1" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2004-2005), basın bülteni - "Art For…1" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2004-2005), press release-2004-12-10; 2005-01-15
PG281.pdf.jpgMaria Hlavajova'nın Platform GSM'deki "Güncel Sanat Kurumlarını Yeniden Düşlemek" başlıklı konuşmasının basın bülteni - Press release of Maria Hlavajova's "Lost and Found: Re-thinking the Art Institution Today" titled talk at Platform CAC-2003-05-02
"Sanat İçin…1" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2004-2005 - "Art For…1" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2004-2005-2004-12-10; 2005-01-15
PG500.jpg.jpg"Sanat İçin…1" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2004-2005 - "Art For…1" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2004-2005-2004-12-10; 2005-01-15
PG501.jpg.jpg"Sanat İçin…1" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2004-2005 - "Art For…1" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2004-2005-2004-12-10; 2005-01-15
"Sparwasser HQ Platform'da" sergisi sırasında Platform GSM'nin girişinden görünüm - View from Platform CAC's entrance during "Sparwasser HQ at Platform" exhibition-2004-03-11; 2004-04-17
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