1571-1580 / 3126
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
PG130.pdf.jpg"Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2003) için duvar metinleri - Wallboard texts for "Shadows and Ghosts" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2003)-2003
PG129.pdf.jpg"Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2003), basın bülteni - "Shadows and Ghosts" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2003), press release-2003-04-29
PG135.JPG.jpgHale Tenger, "Havanın Lüzumu Üzerine: Kurutma Kağıdı" (1992), "Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" sergisi (Platform GSM, İstanbul), 2003 - Hale Tenger, "Blotter from Necessity of Air" (1992), "Shadows and Ghosts" exhibition (Platform CAC, Istanbul), 2003Hale Tenger1992; 2003
PG134001.JPG.jpgKutlu Gürelli, "O" (2002), "Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" sergisi (Platform GSM, İstanbul), 2003 - Kutlu Gürelli, "He/IT" (2002), "Shadows and Ghosts" exhibition (Platform CAC, Istanbul), 2003Kutlu Gürelli2002; 2003
PG136.JPG.jpgEsra Ersen, "İsimsiz", "Gölgeler ve Hayaletler" sergisi (Platform GSM, İstanbul), 2003 - Esra Ersen, "Untitled", "Shadows and Ghosts" exhibition (Platform CAC, Istanbul), 2003Esra Ersen2003
PG304.jpg.jpgErinç Seymen, PAC'ın "And I started to Dance" [Ve Dans Etmeye Başladım] işiyle ("Mekân Yaratmak", Platform GSM, 2003) - Erinç Seymen with PAC's work "And I started to Dance" ("Making Space", Platform CAC, 2003)-2003
PG337.pdf.jpg"Vur ve Kaç" sergisinin (Platform GSM, 2004) üçüncü haftasında yollanan e-posta duyurusu - E-mail announcement sent in the third week of "Hit & Run" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2004)-2004-06-23; 2004-07-28
PG336.pdf.jpg"Vur ve Kaç" sergisinin (Platform GSM, 2004) üçüncü haftasında yollanan e-posta duyurusu - E-mail announcement sent in the third week of "Hit & Run"exhibition (Platform CAC, 2004)-2004-06-23; 2004-07-28
PG339.pdf.jpg"Vur ve Kaç" sergisinin (Platform GSM, 2004) dördüncü haftasında yollanan e-posta duyurusu - E-mail announcement sent in the fourth week of "Hit & Run" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2004)-2004-06-23; 2004-07-28
PG344.pdf.jpg"Vur ve Kaç" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2004) için ekipman listesi - List of equipments for "Hit & Run" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2004)-2004
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