8481-8490 / 22346
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
International Visitors Council of Los Angeles çalışanı Nancy Jo Zinner'ın Tomur Atagök'e gönderdiği mektup - Letter from Nancy Jo Zinner (Program Officer of International Visitors Council of Los Angeles) to Tomur Atagök-1991-06-25; 1991-06-28
Boston Center for International Visitors Yönetici Müdürü Lesley Theall'ın Tomur Atagök'e mektubu - Letter from Lesley Theall (Executive Director of Boston Center for International Visitors) to Tomur Atagök-1991-06-16; 1991-06-20
Cleveland Council on World Affairs çalışanı Mildred Hollander'ın Tomur Atagök'e gönderdiği mektup - Letter from Mildred Hollander (Volunteer Programmer of Cleveland Council on World Affairs) to Tomur Atagök-1991-06-23
World Affairs Council International Visitor Program Müdürü Anne Edgerton'un Tomur Atagök'e yolladığı mektup - Letter from Anne Edgerton (Director of World Affairs Council International Visitor Program) to Tomur Atagök-1991-07-08
ATAG625001.jpg.jpgAmerika Birleşik Devletler Sefareti sorumlusu Marc Grossman'ın Tomur Atagök'e gönderdiği mektup - Letter from Marc Grossman (Charge d' Affaires, a.i. of Embassy of the United States of America) to Tomur Atagök-1991-03-19
ATAG627001.jpg.jpgMüzecilik Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Tomur Atagök'ün Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü'ne yolladığı mektup - Letter sent from Tomur Atagök (Head of Department of Museology) to Institute of Social Sciences-0000
ATAG626001.jpg.jpgTomur Atagök'ün Marc Grossman'a gönderdiği mektup - Letter from Tomur Atagök to Marc Grossman (Charge d' Affaires, a.i. of Embassy of the United States of America)-1991-05-07
ATAG628001.jpg.jpgWilliam R. Codus'un Tomur Atagök'e gönderdiği mektup - Letter from William R. Codus (Director of Office of International Visitors) to Tomur Atagök-0000
ATAG700001.pdf.jpg"2nd International Forum for a Culture of Peace by Mediterranean Women Creators" programı (Rodos, Yunanistan) - Program of "2nd International Forum for a Culture of Peace by Mediterranean Women Creators" (Rhodes, Greece)-2002-09-19; 2002-09-21
ATAG698001.pdf.jpg"2nd International Forum for a Culture of Peace by Mediterranean Women Creators" programı (Rodos, Yunanistan) - Program of "2nd International Forum for a Culture of Peace by Mediterranean Women Creators" (Rhodes, Greece)Mediterranean Women Creators2002-09-19; 2002-09-21
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