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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
"Placebo Etkisi" sergisinin açılışı, Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004 - Opening of "Placebo Effect" exhibition, Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004-2004-11-06; 2004-12-18
PG486001.jpg.jpgSerkan Özkaya ve Ahmet Öğüt, "11 Karpuz Taşıyan Türk Anıtı", "Placebo Etkisi", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004 - Serkan Özkaya and Ahmet Öğüt, "Monument of the Turk, Carrying 11 Watermelons", "Placebo Effect", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004-2004-11-06; 2004-12-18
Şener Özmen ve Ahmet Öğüt, "Boyama Kitabı" (2003), "Placebo Etkisi", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004 - Şener Özmen and Ahmet Öğüt, "Coloring Book" (2003), "Placebo Effect", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004-2003; 2004
Köken Ergun, "İsimsiz", "Placebo Etkisi", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004 - Köken Ergun, "Untitled", "Placebo Effect", Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), 2004-2004-11-06; 2004-12-18
PG491.JPG.jpgRebecca Gordon Nesbitt'in konuşması, Platform GSM, 2004 - Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt's talk, Platform CAC, 2004-2004
PG063.jpg.jpg"Spekülasyonlar", Platform GSM, 2002 - "Speculations", Platform CAC, 2002-2002
PG062.jpg.jpgVahit Tuna, "Avrupa Duy Sesimizi", "Spekülasyonlar", Platform GSM, 2002 - Vahit Tuna, "Europe Hear Us", "Speculations", Platform CAC, 2002Vahit Tuna2002
PG061.jpg.jpgErzen Shkololli, "Hey Avrupa", "Spekülasyonlar", Platform GSM, 2002 - Erzen Shkololli, "Hey Europe", "Speculations", Platform CAC, 2002Erzen Shkololli2002
PG271.JPG.jpgGülsün Karamustafa ve Esra Akcan "Kamusal Alanda Kültürel Yamalar" atölyesinde sunum yaparken (Platform GSM, 2003) - Gülsün Karamustafa and Esra Akcan making their presentation at "Cultural Patchworks in the Public Space" workshop (Platform CAC, 2003)-2003-09
Saskia Draxler "Kamusal Alanda Kültürel Yamalar" atölyesinde sunum yaparken (Platform GSM, 2003) - Saskia Draxler making her presentation at "Cultural Patchworks in the Public Space" workshop (Platform CAC, 2003)-2003-09
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