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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Letter of Lawyer(?) Z. Pashalidis to A Yoeryios, giving instructions about the legal procedures that should be followed by the Ottoman Bank in order to avoid a set auction.-1905-06-07; 1905-06-20
ACNEVO00092.jpg.jpgJafer Halilakis (?) declares in front of the council of the Muslim Elders that he is not able of being anymore guardian of Ali Kandemraki (?)-1909-07-20
Esterici Köyü Deli Hasan Yavaşaki’nin yetimlerine vasi tayini için oluşturulan akraba meclisi ve Hasan Deli Yavaşaki yetimleri dosya muhafazası. [22 Temmuz 1319]-1903-08-04
ACNEVO00049.jpg.jpgEytam İdaresi Müdüriyeti Canib-i Alisine gönderilen merhum Hüseyin Efendi ile kablel-harik cereyan eden muhasebe kaydı. [31 Kanun-i Sani 1321]-1906-02-13
The guardian of the orphans receives permission to sell 1/3 of their properties in order to provide them with the necessary to live-1908-08-03
The Family Council of the under age orphan Sait Hatzi Ivrahim decided after the suggestion of their guardian Nouri Karatzolaki to allow him to sell real estates of the orphans for 7 ikosagrosia in order to pay back the debt of his father.-1901-09-15
Council of relatives of the under age orphan child Ismail, son of Ivrahim Pakalaki (?)-1907-11-06
The writer says that he is sick and can't go to see him as he requested ((?) recepient not mentioned) but he asks him to send whatever he wants for the orphan.-1905-01-29
The orphan's guardian Nouredin Vei Afentoulaki suggests that the orphan owns half of an old deserted house and since that house is of no use and the guardian has financial problems he wishes to sell it and use the money for the orphan's daily expenses.-1908-08-02
ACNEVO00045.jpg.jpgHüseyin Nerdibanaki'nin yetimleri Süleyman, Mihrimah ve Saadet'in miraslarının hesabı. [4 Şubat 1323 ]-1908-02-02
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