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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Council of Relatives of the under age orphan children Nenresi, Mustafa, Ali and Hasan, sons of Selim Batiraki from Ethiopia (Ethiopos?) and of Houanies (?) Ivrahimopoulas.-1908-07-07
ACNEVO00042.jpg.jpgReceipt signed of Raif Jajarikaki for the collection of 60 drahmas of Jermada(?) Huseynaki, as guardian of the minor orphan of Ali Huseyaki, Huseyn, as debt of the deceased.-1908-06-24
To the Ministry of Religion and Education Concerning the Bank of Orphans. The Bank of Orphans informs about the debts found during the process of settling the treasury.-1903-08-14
The Family Council of the under age orphan children Moustafa and Zeinepis, children of the late Najies Hanoumes Papoutsalopoulas and of Pefik Mavrataki(?)-1906-09-12
The council of the relatives accepts the proposition of the guardian to sell some real estates of the orphans in order to buy land somewhere else (Just half of the document)-1906-04-27
Council of relatives of the under age orphan children of Arap Herifaki or Thomas (?) Moula Houseinoglou and of Safies Morazeropoulas-1908-08-03
Council of the (?) Muslim Elders. The council accepts the proposition of the Family Council of the orphan İnaetis to appoint as her guardian her husband Osman Bistolakis.-1900-08-17
ACNEVO00107.jpg.jpgMutasarrıfları Apostol Hacaki yetimleri Yorgi Hacaki ve Kaliça Haçaki (?) eli ile aldığı paraları gösteren beyanname. [14 Mart 1322]-1906-03-27
ACNEVO00076.jpg.jpgRıdvak Kapıkolaki eytamının emlakinin satılması ile ilgili olarak mülteziminin masrafı olan 5 drahmiyi aldığına dair Hacı Hasanaki Hüseyin imzalı senet [26 Nisan 1321]-1905-05-09
Council of relatives of the under age orphan children Mustafa and Husein, sons of Arap Arnaoutaki-1908-08-02
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