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Delivery in the name of lawyer Ioannis N. Androulidakis, acting for Ahmet Kantilakis and Titos Petihakis; towards lawyer Petros Tatarakis, representing Tzelim Seremetakis: Shipment of the document; he has to appear at the Holy Court of Rethymno.-1904-09-07
ACREVJ00078.jpg.jpgResmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Resmo İhtiyar Meclisinin kararının feshi üzerine bu vazifenin deruhde edilmesine dair Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü'nün Resmo Sancağı Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Sandık Emini Derviş Bey'e daveti [11 Şubat 1327]-1912-02-24
In the name of lawyer Nikol. A. Kaffatos, representing the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Kiab Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis; to Iakovos Antonakis; copy of the documents of witnesses taking the oath at Rethymno Peace Tribunal.-1907-12-28
Mehmet Cibaki ve Mustafa Berberaki arasındaki davanın zabıt tutanağı. [1906]-1906
Text of proceedings. A sartorial club is founded at Rethymno of Crete. Its name will be: "Kizlari Talim Dikih Heigieti".-1916-09-30
ACREVJ00019.jpg.jpgNote of the mufti of the Holy Court of Rethymno to the public prosecutor of the Court of First Instance of Rethymno accompanying the dispatchment of the appeal of Nazli Avdourahmanaki against Housni Mauromatakis of 12-6-1922.-1922-07-05
6 Mart 1923 -28 Mayıs 1923 tarihleri arasındaki Resmo Şeriye Mahkemesi dava zabıt defteri-1923-03-06; 1923-05-28
Towards Rethymno Magistrate's Court. Application and table by Georgios Athanasiadis, lawyer, resident of Rethymno, representing Oumi Hasantaidopoula, against the director of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations, Kiab Efendi Veisagadakis.-1909-01-14
ACREVJ00073.jpg.jpgUmum halk için yapılmış olan tuvaletlerin temizliği hakkında alınan karar. [30 Temmuz 1300]-1884-08-11
In the name of lawyer Stylianos Kostogiannis, representing the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations and the director Hatzi (Hacı) Ali Sinamekakis.-1904-06-10
ACREVJ00014.jpg.jpgSummons to the Peace Tribunal of Mylopotamos of Emman. Halkiadakis or Kaimakamis initiated of the director of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno, Kiab Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis, concerning the discussion of the lawsuit for disturbance of possession.-1914-03-23
File of documents and documents concering Moustafa Veis (Bey) Kemal Karatzedakis, director of Muslim Religious Foundations at the Court of First Instance, against Stylianos Fragkakis (trial appointed for the 29th of November 1917 and 10th of January 1918).-1917-11-29; 1918-01-02
Resmo Sancağı İhtiyar Meclisi'nin 8 Nisan 1309 tarihinde vuku bulan içtimaının zabıtnamesi. [8 Nisan 1309]-1893-04-20
Resmo Sancağı Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Niyabet-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen tahrirat.-1898
ACREVJ00064.jpg.jpg21 Şubat 1918 tarihli ve 467 rakamlı tahrirat ile talep edilen cetvelin leffen takdim kılındığına dair Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü'nün yazısı. [22 Şubat 1333]-1918-02-22
Call by Dimosthenis Arhaniontakis, resident of Rethymno, against: 1) Ahmet Vrontakis, resident of Chania, guardian of the under age child Housein, son of Moustafa Vrontakis, 2) Housein Kavroroustemakis, supervisor of the Muslim properties in the prefecture of Chania.-1906-10-08
Resmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyesinin zabt-ı dava üzerine davaya müdahale edenler tarafından ikame olunan sehvden istişhad olunan Hüseyin Recebaki ibni Hasan, Osman Süleymanaki ibni Emin ve mehmed Bekiraki ibni Bilal adlı şahidlerin şehadet mazbataları-1904-05-13
Council no. 64, decision no. 23. The Muslim Elders of Rethymno. Fahrandis Hatzakis, president, Sefki Tsitsekakis, Mousa Lahouridakis, Moustafa Detoglakis, Kiab Veisagadakis, members, and Mehmet Tsoubedakis, sub-secretary.-1902-12-07
1313-1314 yıllarını kapsayan dava zabıt ceridesi (Sayı 13/1313 Zilhicce-1314 Rebiyülevvel dönemi arasında görülen muhtelif davaların zabıtlarını ihtiva eden defter. [1313-1314]-1897; 1898
ACREVJ00015.jpg.jpgSummons to the Peace Tribunal of Mylopotamos of Emmanouil Halkiadakis or Kaimakamis initiated by Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno, represented by its director, Kiab Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis, concerning the decision of the Peace Tribunal of Mylopotamos.--
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