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ACREVPR00148.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı'ndan Resmo'da Gazi Hüseyin Paşa Mahallesi'ndeki 1838 no.lu bir bab dükkanın 1307 senesi Martı'ndan itibaren senelik 860 kuruş icar bedeli ile Nikola Bolanaki'ye icar edildiğine dair icarname.-1891-03-26
Mosque of Episkopi, Episkopi. Leasing through auction, Cretan State, administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, various auctions from 1901 to 1907.-1907-07-15
Ewkaf of Episkopi. Leasing through auction, Cretan State, administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, various auctions from 1903 to 1911.-1911-11-03
ACREVPR00136.jpg.jpgKüçük El-Hac İbrahim Ağa Cami-i Şerifi'nin İdaresi'ne Meşrut Gazi Hüseyin Paşa Mahallesi'ndeki bir bab dükkanın 1310 senesi Mart başlangıcından itibaren 1 sene müddetle kiraya verileceğine dair müzayede pusulası [8 Nisan 1310].-1894-04-20
Kara Musa Paşa Vakfı'ndan Dedeoğlu Kanber Ağa'nın Marola Kariyesindeki gallesi 1311 senesi Ağustos başlangıcından itibaren 4 sene müddetle iltizama verileceğine dair müzayede pusulası. [30 Haziran 1311]-1895-07-12
ACREVPR00120.jpg.jpgLetter of administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations to Andros. Zaharakis, head of the monks ("igoumenos") of the monastery of Arkadi: He is asked to pay the debt otherwise the administration will take legal actions.-1923-03-10
The Council of Muslim Elders, consisted by Raif Tsintsarapakis, Hasan Klaronakis, Merntzan Omerakis, Moustafa Nafi Karatsedakis, Ali Bahridakis and secretary Ivraim Perisakis decided: Alis Vakoglakis rented at the location Pasalites of Mylopotamos, lands that belong to the Veli Pasa (Paşa) Mosque.-1908-09-18
The Council of Muslim Elders, consisted by Raif Tsintsarapakis, Hasan Klaronakis, Merntzan Omerakis, Moustafa Nafi Karatsedakis and Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) Sinanakis and secretary Ivraim Perisakis met and decided that it is approved Aligie Tselepidopoula should sell water to Vafi Ef. (Efendi) Delianakis.-1908-09-10
The Rethymno Council of Muslim Elders, consisted by Raif Tsintsarapakis, Hasan Klaronakis, Mertzan Omerakis, Moustafa Nafi Karatsedakis and Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) Sinanakis and secretary Ivraim Perisakis met and decided that it is approved to sell half "masoura" of water to Moustafa Ontabasakis.-1908-09-10
ACREVPR00107.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı'ndan Pirine Kariyesi'ndeki galledarı bulunduğu gallenin bedel-i iltizamından hissesine isabet eden 80 kuruş 13 parayı Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair senet. [18 Kanun-i Evvel 1309]-1894-01-30
Lease contract compilated between the secretary of the ewkaf, Riza Ef. (Efendi) Tzintzarapzades, and Damoulis Tsirintanakis, merchant, for the lease of the shop located it the neighbourhood of Giali and belonging to the directorate of the Holy Mosque of Hatzi (Hacı) Ivraim Aga (Ağa).-1895-04-19; 1905-04-14
List of the ewkaf estates belonging to the Mosque Kara Mousa Pasa (Paşa) of Rethymno being part of the application of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations against a rentor or holder of one or more of the estates asking for the payment.-1913-07-12
ACREVPR00068.jpg.jpgMilopotamu Kazası’ndan olup İzmir’de Birunabat Kasabası’nda Oturan Nazife Hanım binti Ebubekir’in Resmo’nun Musalla Mahallesi’ndeki evini Arnavud Muhiddin Ağa’dan satın alan Salih Efendaki Ali’nin evi başkasına satmak istediğine dair ihbarı. [7 Mart 1315]-1899-05-19
Program of auction of the estates of Ali Fafoul Throharakis located at the periphery of the same village, order initiated by Hasan Moulamehmetakis and Housni Veis Azembarzades, due to a debt of 1247 piastres.-1894-06-13
Delivery of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations to Georgios and Ioannis Papadakis or Androulidakis, residents of the village Orthes of the district of Mylopotamos, concerning the claims of the directorate to the Peace Tribunal.-1913-08-24; 1915-03-16
ACREVPR00025.jpg.jpgMuslim Religious Foundations' director of Rethymno asks information from the mayor of the village Episkopi concerning the sums of the rents from the ewkaf estates of the directorate.-1912-03-07
Resmo sakinlerinden Tüccardan Hasan Efendi Selimefendizaki ve Tüccar Selim Efendi Osman Ağazaki ile Eytam İdaresi arasında Kara Musa Paşa Vakfı'ndan Milapotamo, Rumlu Kariyesi'ndeki tarla ve emlakın icara verildiğine dair kontratosu-1892-08-20
File containing 6 documents (5 in Greek and 1 in Ottoman Turkish) related to the lease by the Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno of the real estate property belonging to Hatzi (Hacı) Dervis Flakianos and his relatives (minor children).-1902; 1907
Rethymno; in presence of the notary Housein Vasfis Hiehriskakis: Housein Remzis Ef. (Efendi) Omerakis, custodian appointed by the directorate of the Rethymno Ewkaf and resident of Rethymno, representing the directorate and Stauros G. Staurakakis, farmer, agreed on.-1904-04-17
Selling auction. Committee: Housni Selimefentakis, Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis, Giousouf Odabasakis; 48 olive trees at the periphery of Kato Valsamonero are fortified to Mehmet Aigiorgiannakis, resident of Rethymno, for 960 drachmas.-1915-08-23; 1915-08-29
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