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The Council points out that from this group, only Alis Hatzomerakis has ever been inhabitant of the village Episkopi, that for a long time there has been no Muslim inhabitant there, there exist no properties of Muslims.-1913-05-23
Lease contract for the leasing out of an agricultural ewkaf estate located at the periphery of the village Hromonastiri of Rethymno at the location Tromiko for a period of four years (1st of August 1918 - 30th of July 1922).-1918-08-19
Resmo Kazası'na tabi Armenus Kariyesi sakinelerinden Akide Karaditopola binti Yahya'nın bir müdlük palamutluk ve tarlanın Estilyano Vukokoli'ye 3225 kuruşa sattığına dair hüccet. [17 Zilhicce 1294]-1858-07-29
Leasing of the no. 39 ewkaf building. Director Kiami Veisagadakis; administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations; fortified to Housein M. Sabanakis, resident of Rethymno, for one year. Guarantor: Ahmet Retzepakis (80 drachmas per year).-1907-08-19
Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Cami-i Şerifi meşrutasından olup Resmo'da Yalı Mahallesi'ndeki kiracılı bir dükkanın 1310 senesi Martından itibaren 1 sene müddetle 549 kuruş bedel ile Molla İbrahim Ataki'ye kiralandığına dair icar kontratosu.-1894-04-05
Administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Lease through auction the shop no. 34 in Prigkipos Street, for one year; fortified to Hasan of Ahmet Katsabakis, resident of Rethymno, for 192 drachmas. Guarantor Hasan Pasalidakis.-1908-08-10
ACREVPR00570.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı galledarlarından Morçalopola Ümmü Gülsüm Hatun'un Pendiye Kariyesi'ndeki Galle bedel-i iltizamından hissesine isabet eden 96 kuruşu vekaletle Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Dedezade Ali Efendi imzalı senet. [21 Teşrin-i Evvel 1309]-1893-11-02
ACREVPR00566.jpg.jpgResmo ahalisinden Teba-ı Devlet-i Aliyye'den ve eshab-ı emlakten Parpariszade Haydar Efendi eşi Nazlı'nın tasarrufundaki Piki Kariyesi'nde icareteynli çiftliğinin icare-i muaccelesinden biriken paranın tahsili için mahkeme masrafının verilmesine dair istida. [8 Kanun-i Evvel 1297]-1881-12-20
Towards Rethymno Magistrate's Court: Application by Rethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations, represented by the director Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis, against Stylianos Toutountzidakis, resident of Kyrianna.-1913-07-09
ACREVPR00518.jpg.jpgVeysi Çelebi bin Mahmud adlı hayır sahibinin Brino ve Arfus (?) kariyelerinde bulunan ve hayra vakf edilen emlakının tevliyeti bu vakfın dördüncü nesil malum evladlarına eşit olarak tevcih olunmasına dair Müftü ve Resmo Naibi Vekili İbrahim'in takriri.-1905-10-21
Mortgage concerning half of a residence in Alexandros Street, against the owner and debtor, Ismail Deliismailakis in favor of the lender, the administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations, represented by the director Ahmet Vedzih Hadzidakis.-1900-09-12
ACREVPR00488.jpg.jpgTowards the Rethymno employee who is responsible for the water ("ydronomos"): The director informs that Stylianos Hourdakis bought half "masoura" of water from the administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1922-12-14
Towards Rethymno Holy Court propositions by Ali Fasouliatzis, manager ("moutevelis") of the ewkaf lands Kara Mousa Passa (Paşa), resident of Rethymno, against the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations.-1905-03-20
ACREVPR00404.jpg.jpgResmo'daki bir evin icar bedeli olan 103 frank 50 santimin kiracı Ahmed tarafından sandığına teslim edildiğine dair makbuz. [25 Teşrin-i Sani 1335]-1919-11-25
Resmo Müftüsü Abdurrahman Efendi bin Eş-Şeyh Mustafa Efendi'nin Resmo Nahiyesi’ne tabi Mesi Kariyesi’nde Mesena Mevkii’ndeki mülklerinin vakfiyesi.-1909-11-04
Anastasia Verodopola [Anastasias Vrodopoulas, wife of Spiridonos Saradina] tarafindan Evkaf Dairesi’ne verilen vekaletname.-1893-08-29; 1906-08-19
Leasing of ewkaf lands of the Veli Pasa (Paşa) Mosque in Pasalites of Eleutherna, from 1901 for 2 years, by the directorate of Rethymno; highest bid by Antonios Stefanakis (41 drachmas).-1901-09-19
Leasing of the ewkaf lands of the Veli Pasa Mosque in Pasalites village, municipality of Eleutherna, from 1901 and for two years by the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations; highest bid by Mihail Papadakis (31.50 drachmas).-1901-08-19
Küçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa Vakfı’ndan Kazıkçızopola Nazife'nin Marola Kariyesi’ndeki gallesinden 1309 senesi Ağustos ibtidasından itibaren 4 sene müddetle iltizama verilmesine dair alınan karar. [21 Haziran 1309]-1893-07-02
Office of lawyer G. Athanasiadis. Client: Ewkaf of Rethymno; adversary: Androulidakis Nikolaos; in presence of Rethymno Court of First Instance; case: Asking for the forth ewkaf farm Kara Mousa Pasa (Paşa), periphery of Kalandares.--
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