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ACREVP00196.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations - Receipt of payment to Mehmet Tsoubedakis.-1910-04-01
The mufti informs that according to the law, in case there is no holy judge and the mufti serves also as a holy judge, then he has the right to receive together with his salary, the 1/3 of the salary of the holy judge.-1910-06-26; 1910-07-02
Rethymno mufti sends to Rethymno prefecture lists of the employees of the Foundations in order to have their salaries.-1908-03-30
ACREVP00292.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment for 20 drachmas to Selim Osmanagadakis, chanter at the Kara Mousa Pasa (Paşa) Mosque; August's salary.-1910-09-02
A. Veveraki receives 100 drachmas as her salary for January 1919. Teacher of the Professional Muslim School of Rethymno.-1919-01-31
ACREVP00115.jpg.jpgGazi Hüseyin Paşa Cami-i Şerifi'nin müezzin ve kayyumluk hizmetleri münhal olduğu ve kendisinin bu hizmetlerin ifasına muktedir bulunduğu ve bu nedenle bu göreve tayin edilmesi hususunda Molla Alizaki Kemal dilekçesi. [3 Kanun-i Sani 1333]-1917-01-03
ACREVP00015.jpg.jpgUmum Cami-i Şerif Müfetişi bulunan Alemdarzade Şeyh Süleyman Hulusi Efendi’nin Mayıs 1326 ayına ait tahsisatı olan 20 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [31 Mayıs 1326]-1910-06-13
Concession of the wages of the period of nine months amounting to 3.793 piastres and 20 paras of Hasan Veis (Bey) Prasanakis, councilor at the Ewkaf Council of Rethymno, to lawyer Minos Emm. Petihakis for court and representation expenses.-1899-04-22
Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations. 40 dr. is payed to Hakoni Tselepaki as his salary for April 1909 - as assistant supervisor (Voithos Epoptias).-1909-04-30; 1909-05-13
ACREVP00059.jpg.jpgResmo İhtiyar Meclisi'ne tayin olunacak katip muavinlerinin sayı ve maaş miktarlarının muhasebe kararı ile Cemaat-ı İslamiye tarafından tayin ve takriri [5 Şubat 1321]-1906-02-18
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