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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVP00197.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. Salary of Moustafa Fournarakis for September 1910.-1910-09-30
ACREVP00443.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: Receipt of payment. 20 drachmas is paid to Moustafa Kounalakis as his salary for May (chanter of the Agkepout Mosque).-1910-06-01
ACREVP00429.jpg.jpgThe applicant (?) has been appointed caliph of the Tekke of Halveti and Kouridon of the "hiehis" (sheikh) Avdoulkadir Baba Tahtalizades in 1902.-1918-06-07
ACREVP00120.jpg.jpg1324 senesi Mayıs dönemine ait 1 ay zarfında Küçük Hacı İbrahim Cami-i Şerifi ferraşlık vazifesinden olarak kesb-i istihkak ettiği 14 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair adı geçen cami ferraşı Ali imzalı pusula. [31 Mayıs 1326]-1910-06-13
Applications of Ismail Hakis Hotzakis and Ahmet Sakkis Kaberakis, residents of Rethymno. Towards the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: They ask for a certificate to show that they are appointed as chanter and "kayim".-1918-01-03; 1918-01-04
1326 senesi Mart ayı maaşı olan 40 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Mübaşiri Komaritaki Hüseyin Ağa imzalı senet. [31 Mart 1326]-1910-04-01; 1910-04-13
ACREVP00154.jpg.jpg1333 senesi Kanun-i Evvel maaşı olan 10 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Bahçelik Cami-i Şerifi Kayyum ve Ferraşı Bersaki Hüsnü Efendi imzalı senet [8 Kanun-i Sani 1332]-1917-01-21
ACREVP00188.jpg.jpg1326 senesi Ağustos maaşı olan 20 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hanya'da Ankebut Ahmed Paşa Camii Müezzin ve Kayyumu Konalaki Mustafa imzalı senet. [1 Eylül 1326]-1910-09-14
ACREVP00196.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations - Receipt of payment to Mehmet Tsoubedakis.-1910-04-01
The mufti informs that according to the law, in case there is no holy judge and the mufti serves also as a holy judge, then he has the right to receive together with his salary, the 1/3 of the salary of the holy judge.-1910-06-26; 1910-07-02
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