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Decision of Muslim Council of Elders concerning dismissal of mufti and performing duties of holy judge, Ivraim Fevzis Toutountzidakis, due to his scandalously intervening to political and parties conflicts and inciting animosities between the believers.-1912-08-25
ACREVP00043.jpg.jpgNote of the president of Muslim Council of Elders accompanying the proceedings of the council no. 39/100 concerning the suggestion of appointment of Ali Bekirakis and Mousa Kiazim Klaronakis at the position of teachers at the Muslim School.-1912-08-11
Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Heyet-i Alisi'ne, Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Sabık Lisan-ı Rumi Katibine ve Sandık Emini Dervişzade Yusuf Efendi’ye gönderilen Dervişzade Yusuf Efendi’nin tayini hakkında bilgi veren tezkere [16 Şubat 1327]-1912-02-29
ACREVP00039.jpg.jpgSupreme Directorate of Education rejects the decision of Muslim Council of Elders for the substitution of mufti and performing the duties of holy judge, nothing that the indication of Muslim Council of Elders is not accepted by the directorate.-1912-09-01
ACREVP00208.jpg.jpgKuyumcuzade Hasan Bey'in İhtiyar Meclisi'ne tabi Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Lisan-ı Rumi katiplerinden (?)zade Derviş Efendi'nin Sandık Emaneti'nden azli ile her iki memuriyetin ihtiyar meclisi kararınca 2. bir emre kadar fesh edildiğine dair karar.-1912-02-12
ACREVP00038.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of appointment of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno to Mehmet Hilmi Efentis (Efendi) Moutafakis at the position of the secretary of the Holy Court of Rethymno.-1912-09-14
ACREVP00193.jpg.jpg1338 Teşrin-i Sani maaşı olan 195 kuruşu Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Fataki Mehmed imzalı senet. [13 Kanun-i Evvel 1328]-1912-12-26
ACREVP00049.jpg.jpgDirector of Muslim Religious Foundations and supervisor of the Orphans Treasuries M. Kiamilzedakis, asks from the superintendent of Voliones to order the rural policeman to appoint an estimator for the damages at estate of the deceased Arap Tsigonakis.-1912-05-22
Muslim Religious Foundations' director of Rethymno, replying at the document no. 841/438 sent from the Directorate of Education and Religion, denunciates the decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Rethymno.-1912-04-05
ACREVP00036.jpg.jpgAcknowledgement of Muslim Council of Elders to the Supreme Directorate of Education of the formers decisions concerning the appointment of teacher at Muslim Girls School of Rethymno and of a new bailiff at the Holy Court.-1912-10-17
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