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Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition of the Family Council of the orphan Housein of the late Ali Houseinakis, to authorize the guardian Remantan Houseinakis to sell one of the child's farms.-1908
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition of the Family Council of orphan Housni of the late Housni Mouftoglakis, to appoint temporarily Sabri Mourabetakis guardian of child in place of his mother Santigie Kounalopoula.-1908-04-10
Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders accepted the decision of the Family Council, under the presidency of the inspector, to recognize Osman of Mouharem Emirakis as of age.-1910-05-06
ACREVO00098.jpg.jpg44 kuruş 35 paranın sahiplerine verildiğine dair makbuz. [18 Haziran 1314]-1898-06-30
Housnis Selimefentakis, ex director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations and Inspector of the Properties of the Orphans, delivers to the new director Kiami Veisagadakis, the relevant books, records etc. and the money of the foundations.-1905-11-27
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders confirms the decision of the Family Council of the orphans of Haider Zoubelirakis(?) to appoint Mehmet Sabanakis as guardian of the orphans.-1908-08-04
The president Ali Hiefki Tsitsekakis and Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders approve the proposition of Ismail Seragiannakis of Moustafa to be appointed as guardian of the under age children of him and the late Tzemile(?) Hintiropoula.-1906-12-14
ACREVO00058.jpg.jpgMolla Ahmed Koçumusazaki yetimesi Nazife'nin muhasebe defteri. [Teşrin-i Sani 1316]-1900-11
İslam Eytam Sandığı karar defteri [1296]-1880
The Muslim Elders while examining the application of Tzafer Smailakis who is guardian of the under age orphans Hasan, Ali and Nourigie - mother's name Antile Tsiskopoula.-1903-01-16
Council no. 24, decision no. 885 of the Muslim Elders of Rethymno, Ali Hiefki Tsitsekakis, president, Hasan Klaronakis, Moustafa Kemal Karatsedakis, Ivraim Perisakis, secretary.-1906-05-03
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