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Towards the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations; application by Nazife Saloglopoula, widow of Tzafer Kazixis, guardian of her under age orphan daughter Nazire of Tzafer Kazixis, resident of Maroulas of Rethymno.-1921-07-17
Amarya Kazası, Furnis Kariyesi ahalisinden müteveffa Hüseyin Pozaraki'nin diyar-ı aherdeki eytamının umur ve hususatını rüyet etmek üzere Selim Hacızaki'nin vasi olarak tayin edilmesine dair Resmo İhtiyar Meclisi'nce müttefiken alınan karar [20 Eylül 1317]-1901-10-03
Bill of Mehmet and Sakiles, orphans of Halımes Mouladopoulas, wife of Ali Nami Toutsekaki. List of Amounts.-1900-08-24
Rethymno mufti states that Bairamis Mousadakis, guardian of the mentally deranged Moustafa Fasouliatzidakis, does not take care of him.-1918-02-22
The Muslim Elders of Rethymno and the Family Council examined the application of Ahmet, Ali and Hantintze of Betevi Velidakis or Lazakis from the village Kleisidi of Amari.-1906-04-05
ACREVO00014.jpg.jpgÇolundaki Zikir Ağa yetimesi Ümmü Gülsüm'ün nafakası olan 270 kuruşu vasiyeti gereği Resmo Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair validesi Meyire imzalı pusula. [13 Nisan 1293]-1877-04-15
Muslim Council of Elders approves of decision of the relatives council, according to which Housein Selimakakis, guardian of the minor orphans of the deceased Hasan Sarantarakis resignes from his position, at which Ali Reihanakis is appointed.-1902-02-21
Approval by the Council of the Muslim Elders of Rethymno of a decision of the Council of affinity concerning the appointment of Hasan Messaritakis as guardian for the minor orphan Hantitze, daughter of Bekir Messaritakis.-1901-09-17
Resmo İslam Eytam Sandığı'nın 11 Ağustos 1297-31 Mart 1298 dönemine ait aylık varidat ve masarıfat defteri-1881-08-23; 1882-04-12
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of Family Council of Orphan Sakis of Omer Retsepakis and of Nazife Tzorbantzopoula, to appoint Abdoullah Stabilalakis guardian of the child.-1908-05-08
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the proposition of the Family Council of the under age orphan Fatoume of the late Moustafa Kasabalakis, to appoint Kiamil Veisakis guardian of the child in place of the late former guardian Moustafa Selianakis.-1908-04-10
Rüstem Faulaki'nin zevcesi Müteveffiye Feride Hanım'ın Mezun oğlu Ahmed'in 15 Yaşında olduğu halde isbat-ı rüşd ettirildiğinden yetimin emlakinin Estilyano İstamataki'ye satılmasına dair Ahmed'in velisi Rüstem Fafulaki'nin dilekçesi.-1902-01-19; 1902-02-01
In presence of the Haniis Notary Ioannou K. Volveraki: Finet of Hasan Vedouraki, widow of Nouri Pasakaki, resident of Chania and her brother Moustafa Vedourakis, son of Hasan, trader and land owner agreed on.-1918-08-31
Rethymno Muslim Elders approved the decision made by the Family Council, under the presidency of the inspector Gisouf Aligiantzidakis, to recognize the age of the orphan Ahmet of the late Ali Arifakis or Miraxidakis.-1908-07-27
Muslim Elders approved decision made by Family Council under the presidency of the Inspector Gisouf Aligiantzidakis, to allow Moustafa Oustaivramakis, guardian of orphan of Hasan Oustaivraimakis, to sell to Ioannis Kiagiadakis from Kastelli real estates.-1908-07-27
ACREVO00114.jpg.jpgVasisi bulunduğu Paşalaki Hüseyin'in nafakası olan 150 kuruşu Resmo Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [28 Şubat 1309]-1894-03-12
ACREVO00111.jpg.jpgRusospiti Kariyeli müteveffa Emiraki Ali Ağa'nın kassamından resm-i kısmet kaydiye, kalemiye ve pul parası olan 179 kuruş 20 parayı Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Resmo Livası Mahkeme-i Şerriyesi tarafından imzalanmış ilm-i haber. [19 Şubat 1309]-1894-03-03
ACREVO00084.jpg.jpgResmo Kazası, Rusospiti Kariyesi sakinlerindenken vefat eden Ali Arif Ağazaki'nin yetiminin umur ve hususatını rüyet ve tesviyeye ehliyeti derkar olan Salih Mehmed Alizaki'nin vasi olarak nasb ve tayinine dair alınan karar. [23 Ağustos 1321]-1905-09-05
Rethymno mufti supports that the behaviour of Antile of Dervis Serifakis, mother of the child Kioubra of the late Hasan Harkiadakis, is not the proper one and therefore he supports the right of the child's uncle Ali Harkiadakis to become child's guardian.-1917-08-18
Muslim Council of Elders accept the proposition of the relatives' Council of Osman Ragip Tsitsekakis' orphan, Kiazime, after suggestion of his supervisor Housni Veis (Bey) Kazazalidakis, concerning sale of deceased's property.-1913-12-24
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