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ACREVO00072.jpg.jpgZabıta mülazımlarından Ali Ağa Yanozyanaki'nin Resmo Eytam Dairesinden mazbut kendisinin eşi müteveffa Nazife Hanım'ın eytamı akçesinden istikraz ettiği parayı Eytam İdaresi'ne tediye edeceğine dair deyn seneti.-1889-09-26
In presence of Rethymno notary Pertev Dervisakis, resident of Rethymno: Akinte, daughter of Hatitze, free ex slave of Gisouf Lahouridakis, maid, received the amount of 49.92 drachmas that the Ottoman Bank for the Orphans owed to her.-1906-06-12
ACREVO00008.jpg.jpgAknowledgment of Muslim Council of Elders to the directorate of the National Bank at Rethymno that Vatzih Hatzidakis is supervisor of the Orphans' Properties and he may legally manage the properties.-1923-03-07
Council of the Muslim Elders against Zainde Farsaropoulas.-1888-12-19; 1892-07-06
Rethymno Muslim Elders decided: Family Council, under the presidency of Inspector Gisouf Aligiantzidakis, accepts the proposition made by the guardian of orphans of late Ahmet Hatzi (Hacı) Ioanakis to be replaced for a period in order to share the properties of the late.-1908-04-03
ACREVO00088.jpg.jpgResmo sakinlerinden müteveffa Çiçekzade Osman Ragıb Efendi'nin eytamının umur ve hususatını rüyet ve tesviyeye ehliyeti derkar olan Azizzade Ali Rıfkı Bey'in vasi olarak nasb ve tayin edilmesine dair alınan karar. 13 Haziran 1321]-1905-06-26
ACREVO00086.jpg.jpgResmo Kazası, Yanuzi Kariyesi sakinlerinden müteveffa Musa Molla Musazaki'nin eytamı Salih, Nuriye ve Hamide Umur ve hususatlarının rüyetine muktedir bulunduklarından serbest idarelerinin icrasına dair alınan karar. [17 Ağustos 1321]-1905-08-30
The Court of Elders accepts the decision of the relatives Council of Nourigie, daughter of Moustafa Dervisakis, that, after the proposition of her guardian, Selim Dervisakis, she is considerer of age and, that she is capable of managing her property.-1908-03-09
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders approves the decision of the Family Council of the orphan Hasan of the late Ivraim Prikakis, to appoint his brother Ali Prikakis his guardian and to authorize him to receive the money owed to the under age orphan.-1908-05-08
In the name of Kiamis Veisagadakis, resident of Rethymno and director of the Muslim Foundations and inspector of the properties of Rethymno Orphans; towards Stylianos Kostogiannis, lawyer, resident of Rethymno; delivery of a court decision.-1905-11-18
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