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ACREVDIV00030.jpg.jpgZilhicce ayının gurresi görülemediğinden Pazartesi gününden itibar olunduğuna dair yazı. [3 Teşrin-i Sani 1328]-1912-11-16
ACREVDIV00070.jpg.jpgTowards the director of Rethymno translator's office. The holy judge sends the statement of Moustafa Rouvanakis or Tzinakakis and asks for its translation into Turkish.-1912-01-14
ACREVDIV00071.jpg.jpgThe holy judge asks for the director of Rethymno translator's office the transaltion of the application of Hatitze Arzohaltzidopoula against Housein Pervanakis.-1912-07-28
ACREVDIV00056.jpg.jpgTowards Rethymno holy judge. Rethymno translator sends him a traslated document.-1912-06-02
Rethymno Lawyers Association. Call to a meeting.-1924-02-08
ACREVDIV00001.jpg.jpgResmo Niyabet-i Şeriyye Vekalet-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen Hanya Naib Vekili'nden 1 Şaban 1333 tarihinin Kandiye'de hangi güne geldiğinin (ruiyet-i hilal) sorulduğu bir belgedir. [18 Şaban 1333]-1915-07-01
Towards the director: The writer (?) informs the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations that he has to take the oath in front of the court, concerning the case against D. Panakakis(?) and he asks if he is willing to do in personally or not.-1908-05-15
Resmo sekenesinden ve Tarikat-ı Nakşibendiye ve Kadiriye müşayihleri bulunmadıkça özel günlerdeki ayin-i ruhaniyenin na-kabil olduğu hususunu belirten ve bu müşayihlerin isimlerini havi beyanname.-1917-03-18; 1918-01-09
ACREVDIV00059.jpg.jpgIn the name of Emm. Tsouderos and Styl. Kostogiannis, lawyer of the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis; towards Leonidas(?) S. Karaitzakis: Call to appear to Rethymno Magistrate's Court.-1915-03
ACREVDIV00013.jpg.jpgLetter of administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations to the prefecture: They do not keep books with the births and deaths of the Muslim citizens therefore they are unable to give such information.-1923-03-19
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