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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00233.jpg.jpgRethymno administration of the Muslim Foundations to Ivraim Lilakis, resident of Perivolia of Rethymno: He is asked to pay his debts to the administration in 5 days.-1922-08-24
ACREVF00224.jpg.jpg420 drachmas is paid to Mel. Therandakis(?) from Rethymno Council of Muslim Elders according to the decision no. 207 by the Peace Tribunal.-1908-03-13
Statement concerning a building under tax. To the mayor of Rethymno: Raif Tzintzarapakis states that he owns a residence in Rethymno which provides him with 480 drachmas per year.-1916-08-24
Statement concerning a building under tax. To Rethymno mayor: Raif Tzintzarapakis states that he owns a residence in Rethymno which provides him with 480 drachmas per year.-1916-08-24
Towards Rethymno Peace Tribunal. Application by Stylianos Kostogiannis, lawyer, resident of Rethymno, against Kiamis Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis, director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: The applicant asks that the directorate pays him 45.15 drachmas for court expenses.-1905-03-11
Towards Rethymno Peace Tribunal. Application by Stylianos Kostogiannis, lawyer against the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations and the director Housein Selimefentakis: The applicant asks that the directorate pays him 60.85 drachmas for court expenses.-1905-02-10
Towards Rethymno Peace Tribunal. Application of Stylianos Kostogiannis, lawyer of Rethymno, against the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Housein Selimefentakis: Applicant asks the directorate to pay him the amount of 43.60 drachmas for court expenses.-1905-02-10
ACREVF00191.jpg.jpgMüessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nin kırtasiye mühimmatı için alınan mürekkep, kağıt v.s'nin bedeli olan 11 frank 85 santimin Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [4 Kanun-i Evvel 1321]-1905-12-17
ACREVF00166.jpg.jpgEbniye-i Vakfiye için satın alınan malzemelerin bedeli olan 33,30 frangı Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Gorgizaki Hasan imzalı senet. [2 Mayıs 1331]-1915-05-15
Arnavud Rüstem, Arnavud Emin ve eşi Emine'nin muhasebelerini gösteren defter. [20 Kanun-i Sani 1316]-1901-02-02
Lawyer Stylianos Kostagiannis against the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations represented by lawyer Georgios Voum; lawyer asks for money for several cases; rejected.-1906-11-27
İdare-i Evkaf-ı Resmo. Resmo Evkaf Sandığına teslim olunan mablağa mahsus makbuz ilm-i haberleri.-1892-12-07; 1893-01-11
Tax statement by Rethimnis Muslim Foundations (Efkavio).-1920-10-12
Girid Ceziresi’nde vaki Resmo Sancağı Mahkeme-i Şeriyesi Niyabet Vekaleti Başkanlığı'nda yapılan alacak verecek davası.-1912-02-27
Application of lawyer Haralabos N. Fandridis against the manager of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations and the commissioner of the mosque at the periphery of the village Gerakari, Ahmet Bilalakis or Moulamounadakis.-1909-06-28
Muhtelif kişilerin borçlarının kaydedildiği defter. [Hicri 1281-1282]-1864
Veli Paşa Cami-i Şerifi kandilleri için 1303 senesi tahsisatı olan 70 kuruşun Resmo Evkaf ve Eytam Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair ilm-i haber. [10 Teşrin-i Sani 1313]-1897-11-22
ACREVF00099.jpg.jpgKüçük Hacı İbrahim Ağa ile Gazi Hüseyin Paşa Cami-i Şeriflerinde Asakir-i Şahane ikamet eylemesi nedeniyle yerlerdeki hasırla bal mumu Mahmud Efendi'nin mağazasına nakl edildiğinden istihdam kılınan 2 nefer hammalın ücretlerinin dair yazı. [29 Eylül 1313]-1897-10-11
ACREVF00098.jpg.jpgAksaray Mahallesi'ndeki validesinin evine yarım bitişiğindeki bahçeye 2 masura mai leziz bedeli olan 30 lira-i Osmani ödendiğine dair takrir. [7 Teşrin-i Evvel 1313]-1897-10-19
ACREVF00093.jpg.jpgReceipt for 6.85 drachmas. The notary K. S. Androulidakis received 6.85 drachmas from the treasury of Rethymno Muslim Foundations.--
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