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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVF00237.jpg.jpgAdministration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment for 40.30 drachmas to Stauros Leonidakis for material used to repair the ewkaf building on Diadohou Konstantinou Street.-1910-11-16
ACREVF00216.jpg.jpg1314 senesi Mart ayı mühimmat-ı kırtasiye bedeli olan 25 kuruşun Resmo Evkaf Sandığınca ödendiğine dair makbuz. [3 Nisan 1314]-1898-04-15
ACREVF00211.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment of 363.30 drachmas to Stylianos Kostogiannis according to the decision by Rethymno Peace Tribunal.-1905-12-27
ACREVF00207.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment of 36 drachmas to Hasan Kalliontzidakis as his salary [(imam at Veli Pasa (Paşa) Mosque)].-1905-12-24
ACREVF00194.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Order of payment of 103.29 drachmas, to Meritzan Omerakis for the oil of the lamps of the mosques for three months.-1906-01-04
Polidoros Saounatsos, trader, resident of Rethymno, against Kiamis Veisagadakis, director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. He asks the directorate to pay his court expences according to the decision of the court.-1905-12-13; 1905-12-17
Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nin 1 Eylül 1327-31 Ağustos 1328 dönemine ait 1 senelik varidat ve sarfiyatını gösteren muhasebe defteri.-1911-09-14; 1912-09-13
Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nin 1320 Nisan ayına ait gönderilen Resmi evrak ve yapıştırılan pul miktarını gösteren liste. [30 Nisan 1323]-1907-05-01; 1907-05-13
ACREVF00170.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations' order of payment. 3.30 is paid to Avdoulas Kaliontzidakis as the 3rd dose of the compensation for the 1896-1898 destructions at the Veli Pasa (Paşa) lands.-1910-10-24
ACREVF00164.jpg.jpgResmo'da vefat eden Hüseyin Kisanaki'nin tedavi masraflarını gösteren defter. [24 Ağustos 1309]-1893-09-04
ACREVF00148.jpg.jpgDirectorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipt of payment. 8.10 drachmas is paid to Ali Spathakis, Mehmet Hatzi (Hacı) (?), Hasan Sami and Fatoume of Ivraim Spathakis for the 1896-1898 damages (10%).-1910-08-12
ACREVF00130.jpg.jpgGirid Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye Sandığı makbuz ilm-i haberi. [14 Kanun-i Evvel 1335]-1919-12-14
Resmo Sanayi Mektebi'nde istimal olunmak üzere alınan eşyaların bedeli hakkında pusula [18 Teşrin-i Evvel 1334]-1918-10-18
ACREVF00106.jpg.jpgRamazan ayının başlaması ile memlekette bulunan camiler için tedariki lazım gelen malzemelerin alınmasına dair takrir. [31 Kanun-i Evvel 1313]-1898-01-12
Payoff, Rethymno. In front of the notary K. S. Androulidakis and the witnesses Mihail Elekakis and Georgios Kapaidakis: Georgios I. Siganos, landowner, asked to receive the last installment from Rethymno Muslim Foundations, that is 1344.40 drachmas.-1903-03-27
ACREVF00079.jpg.jpgResmo Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesi Dairesi ile Valide Sultan Camii tamirat işi için harcanan toplam 230 frank 80 santimin Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan ödendiğine dair senet. [20 Haziran 1326]-1910-07-03
The president of Rethymno Muslim Elders. Towards the prefect of Rethymno: Rethymno administration of Muslim Foundations submited its budget from 1st of January 1917 until end of December 1917. The prefect approves the budget.-1917-03-18; 1917-04-06
Towards the prefect of Rethymno: The administration was asked to express its views on the possible use of old Muslim cemeteries as agricultural land; they deny.-1917-02-16; 1917-02-14
Mart 1294 senesinden itibaren 2 sene müddetle Resmo Tahmishane Rüsûmat bedelini gösteren defter sayfası. [1 Teşrin-i Sani 1295]-1879-11-13
ACREVF00032.jpg.jpgManikalohori ve Hamalori Köylerindeki galleleri gösteren liste.( [1304-1308]-1888
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