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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
1-31 Ağutos 1301 dönemine ait günlük muhasebe defteri. [1301]-1885-08-13; 1885-09-12
1331 senesi Mart-Ağustos dönemine ait umum evkafın varidat ve masarifatını gösteren bilanço defteri. [1331]-1915
ACREVF00078.jpg.jpg1294 senesi Şevval ayında vuku bulan tahsilattan ücret-i tahsiliye olan 646 kuruşu Resmo İslam Eytam Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Seyyare Memuru İsmail imzalı senet. [30 Teşrin-i Evvel 1293]-1877-11-11
ACREVF00071.jpg.jpgEski evlerde inşa olunan dükkanların lazımesi için satın alınan 2 yük kirecin bedeli olan 2 drahmi 50 leptanın Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair pusula. [11 Kanun-i Evvel 1320]-1904-12-24
ACREVF00070.jpg.jpgValide Sultan Cami-i Şerif minaresinde Ramazan boyunca kandilleri yakan Kalyoncuzaki Hüsnü'ye 5 drahmi 60 lepta ödendiğine dair makbuz. [9 Kanun-i Evvel 1320]-1904-12-22
Receipt book of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations. It covers the period from 30th of September 1907 until 27th November 1907. It shows the administration's expenses. Mostly payments. Receipt no. 1694 - 1793.-1907-09-30
Muslim Foundations against Alexandros, Emmanouil and Paraskeui Padouva.-1913-07-13; 1915-02-28
The file bearing the title: "Ewkaf of Rethymno against Georgios Halkiadakis". Partly filled table of court expenses of lawyer's office of G. Athanasiadis for the case of the ewkaf against Georgios Halkiadakis. Court of First Instance.--
The file bearing the title: "Ewkaf of Rethymno against Dragasis Georgios". Partly filled table of court expenses of lawyer's office of G. Athanasiadis for the case of ewkaf against Dragasis Georgios. Court of First Instance.--
1913-1914 yıllarına ait bir senelik Resmo Sancağı Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi'nin bütçesi. [18 Kanun-i Sani 1329]-1914-01-31
ACREVF00016.jpg.jpgAccount of Resoul Giousbakis, husband of Fehite, daughter of Souleiman Flokos, of the sum of 2121.20 piastres (?) and payment to Fatoume Katsalopoula, wife of Mehmet Vekirakis, of the same sum, while she is still owed the rest of 183.6 piastres.-1901-01-15
Proceedings, balance sheet and budget of the tailors association at Rethymno for the years 1921-1923.-1921-07-04; 1922-07-03
Resmo Kazası Hormanastır Kariyesi sakinlerinden Andreazopola Katerina binti Nikola adlı hatunun Meclis-i Şer'de emlak ve mülkünü Resmo Hırıstiyan Evkaf Müdüriyeti'ndeki borcuna mukabil ipka ettiğine dair ilam. [5 Muharrem 1288]-1871-03-27
Order to the bailiff of Peace Tribunal of Mylopotamos for the dispatchment of a court behest for the payment of a debt amounting to 507.30 drachmas owed by Emmanouil Androulidakis and Iakovos Antonakis to the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Religious Foundations.-1907-09-17; 1907-12-17
Administration of the Rethymno Muslim Foundations. Receipts of payment (1909, no. 895/13 to no. 963/ 9).-1909
Resmo Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na ait makbuzlar.-1923-12
The administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations pays to lawyer Emmanouil Io. Tsouderos for the case against Mehmet Tzevdet Maurommatakis 80 drachmas.-1909-12-15
Order by Euag. Papadakis, lawyer, resident of Rethymno, against Rethymno Muslim Elders and the administration's director and inspector Kiami Veisagadakis.-1910-10-19
ACREVF00270.jpg.jpg48 dr. is payed to Georgios Maragoudakis.-1905-12-04
Maarifetiyle satın alınan eşyaların bedelini Resmo Sanayi Mektebi Sandık Emini'nden alındığına dair Belgradaki Bahaeddin imzalı senet. [11 Teşrin-i Evvel 1331]-1915-10-12; 1915-10-24
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